“Duck Lake”
Cedar Mill’s Harmony School will be performing an original work
called “Duck
Lake” at the PCC Rock Creek Forum Theatre, Building 3, on Saturday,
3/31 at 5 pm.
It is the story of a lake from its creation, through
its life, until current day. School director Rebecca Guyot says, “The
story starts with a beautiful, magical lake protected by fairies
and visited by a wide assortment of woodland creatures. Through time,
however, the lake becomes polluted, until finally it is threatened with extinction
through land fill and clear-cutting. It’s up to a group of kids now,
who have decided to save the lake, to clean it up and try to bring
some of the magic back.”
The show has lots of singing, dancing and a variety of musical instruments
will be played. The performance is intended for the whole family.
Advance tickets are available at the school at $5 per seat. 12849
NW Cornell Rd. 503-626-0166. www.theharmonyschool.org. Any remaining
tickets will be sold at the door for the same price.