Community Announcements
Ivy Patrol at Cedar Mill Park
9 am – noon, Saturday, March 7, 2009
Join us as we continue to remove English ivy from the natural areas of Cedar Mill Park. Some tools and gloves are provided, but if you have favorite tools and gloves, mark them and bring them along --heavy-duty work gloves, loppers, a round-tipped shovel.
Sign up online, or just show up ready to attack the ivy.
THPRD provides water in a cooler – bring your own bottle if possible.?Refreshments and hot drinks will be provided. Dress for the weather (rain or shine) in layers, this kind of work is great for burning calories and warming you up!
Volunteers will meet at the lower parking lot just west of Cedar Mill Elementary School (10265 NW Cornell Rd), near the picnic tables. Even if you can only spare an hour or two, your help will be appreciated. Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult—groups welcome, just make sure there are one or two grownups per group.
Spring into Auction online
Findley Elementary is proud to announce their first online school auction! Bidding begins at 5 pm on Tuesday, March 10 and ends 9 pm Thursday, March 17, 2009. The Cedar Mill community is welcome to participate in the online bidding.
Items up for auction include a collection of award winning games from Piccolo Mundo, tickets to Disneyland and Legoland, even lunch in studio with radio talk show host Lars Larson.
The Findley auction committee is sponsoring this auction using the lowest amount of overhead costs possible. Their mission during this economically challenging time is for as much of the funds from winning bids to go directly to Findley’s Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO solely supports programs such as Art Literacy and Passport Club, along with contributing vital funds for PE and library equipment. They have also set a goal to replace outdated overhead projectors with the invaluable educational technology of Document Cameras (ELMO) for every classroom.
For more information please contact or visit the Findley School website at
Greenlick and Bonamici meet their constituents
Mitch says, “My next two town hall meetings will be jointly hosted with Senator Suzanne Bonamici at 11 am Saturday, March 7 at the Good Samaritan Hospital Auditorium (NW. 22nd between NW. Lovejoy and Marshall) and 7 pm on March 17 at the St. Vincent Hospital classroom in the East Pavilion with Representative Chris Harker.”
How shall we grow?
Mike Dahlstrom, Washington County Planning Division Program Educator, will discuss the Urban/Rural Reserves and the Future Urban Growth Boundary at the March 9 Washington County Public Affairs Forum.
The forum meets over lunch every Monday at the Beaverton Elks Club (3500 SW 104th Avenue Beaverton, 97005) from September through June. They meet in the back, so it is easiest to enter through the back entrance. A map and directions to the Elks Club can be found at
For last minute updates and additional information about the forum, visit their web site at: