A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 4, Issue 4 | April
Polygon to offer first Teufel homes in June
Work has already begun on the streamside improvements along Cedar Mill Creek, which marks the western border of the project. Invasive plants like blackberry and ivy have been mostly cleared out and over 6500 trees and shrubs will be planted. “The natural area is a really important part of this development,” says Gast. “The first part of the trail, the bridge and the front of the development on Cornell will be finished by the time we begin to offer homes for sale. That’s why we decided to do the work ourselves rather than turn it over to the park district. This way we can control the schedule.” The entire stream corridor from Cornell to Barnes will be improved by Polygon and then passed to Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District. Amenities will include a trail that will begin at Foege Park at Cedar Hills Bl. & Cornell and cross the new road via a bridge similar to those on Cedar Hills, then continue along Cedar Mill Creek as a boardwalk which will run along the eastern boundary of the new JQA Young House Park, and finally connect to Barnes Rd. Cedar Mill Falls, at 119th and Cornell, will finally be visible from an overlook platform near the restored 1869 house. Several overlook areas will also be included in the development. Before any homes could be constructed, Polygon undertook a massive grading project and rebuilt a portion of Cornell to accommodate a new eastbound right-turn lane and a new westbound left-turn lane. Grading of the north half of the property is mostly complete and the first construction has begun. The Beaverton School District condemned an 18-acre lot in the middle of the Teufel property around 2001. They still haven’t announced plans for a school, but Polygon is doing the preliminary work of grading, sewer and water supply to the school property as part of the overall development of the parcel. The school property sits at the east side of the property and is the southern boundary of the first phase of development, approximately 220 townhomes. In 2005 Polygon reduced the density of this segment from 22-24 units per acre to 12 in response to a changing housing market that encouraged them to add mixed-use housing to the 20-acre commercial area fronting on Barnes Rd. Because they share the same zoning, some recent articles in the press have mentioned the “Teufel Development” in the same breath with the proposed Fred Meyer* store in the Progress Quarry Town Center, Gast wants to dispel any rumors of big-box development. “We want the commercial area to serve the residents of our development and the local area,” he says. “We’re just in the early stages of talking to commercial developers, and it may be 2008 before anything is built. We are not interested in any typical big-box development.” *Note, the Beaverton
Planning Commission rejected the Progress Quarry Fred Meyer proposal. NEWS HOME |
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