A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 4, Issue 4 | April
Work party at the WetlandBy Amanda Wilson, Rock Creek Watershed Partners
Cedar Mill Wetland is located right in the middle of Cedar Mill and is owned by The Wetlands Conservancy. You’ve probably seen this sixteen-acre natural area that straddles Barnes Road just southeast of the Teufel property. This wetland plays a critical role in protecting water quality and moderating stormwater. Northwestern salamander, red-legged frog, pacific tree frog, hooded merganser, great blue heron, green heron, beaver and dragonflies can be seen and heard among the water, reeds and willows. This watershed (Cedar Mill Creek) also contains resident cutthroat trout and the pacific lamprey, which is listed as a sensitive species in Oregon. Currently, the ponds created by beaver dams are receding. This means the banks are becoming exposed and creating new habitat for plants. We’re working on establishing native plants before invasive plants like Reed canarygrass and Common teasel take over. Invasive plants compete with native plants for water, nutrients, and space. They also impact the survival of wildlife that depends on native plants for food and habitat. Invasive plants also disrupt natural processes like water infiltration, erosion control, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. So come on down to the wetland near you and connect with your community while enhancing habitat that humans and wildlife alike depend on. Bring drinking water and wear work gloves and knee boots if you have them. We will have a limited amount on hand. To volunteer, contact Amanda Wilson or Melissa Higgins at (503) 629-6305 x 2953 or awilson@rcwp.org. If you can’t make it out to this one, future work parties are scheduled for Saturday, May 20th, July 29th and September 23rd.
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |