Meet the CMBA Board
Bill Rawson,
Board President
Financial Services - Edward Jones
Joined CMBA Board in 2005
Childhood ambition: to be an artist and an architect
Education: University of Florida: pre-architecture& University of
Oregon - 5 year Business Construction
Family: married 31 years - Laurie Seton Rawson with 2 daughters:
Adrian Davies, 27 years old, married; Frances, 23 years old
On my bookshelf: ongoing = The Economist; now = “Twilight in the Desert” by
Mathew Simmons
Proudest professional moment: receiving referrals from my clients
to their family, close friends & important business contacts as this
shows great trust & faith.
Hobbies & Pet projects: many --- photography, home renovation, wood
working, travel, reading, skiing, racket ball, motorcycles
Keys to my success: fear of failure & a strong drive to assist my
clients in achieving their goals.
One interesting fact about me: my varied interests
Role model: successful people who achieve greatness in their chosen
profession, and give back to society. ie. Warren Buffett.
Current business challenge: assisting my clients to achieve their
goals in this complicated world.
Wildest dream: to take a year or two off to ride a motorcycle around
the world.
Advice for entrepreneurs: have passion for your business & your client’s
What I love about Cedar Mill: it’s a small community, full of wonderful & diverse
Thanks for being a CMBA board member. You are an inspiration!