
Cedar Mill
Community Website

Cedar Mill News
Volume 7, Issue 4


April 2009

Community Announcements

Cedar Mill Park Concert set for August 6

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) has announced an even bigger schedule of entertainment for this year’s Summer Concert Series, up to 12 sessions from nine last year. Cedar Mill Park’s concert was among the first three that were held in 2004. The series has proven so popular that the district has ramped it up to now include several theatre performances in addition to the musical concerts.

Music for the Cedar Mill Park Concert has not yet been chosen—performers for all the concerts will be announced in June. The CMBA will once again sponsor the popular “Passport Contest” with prize winners drawn from completed passports stamped by all the community partners at the event. Businesses and local service agencies are invited to participate: contact Sandy Sahagian, 503-297-2343 or sandyzphotozz@msn.com

A complete schedule is available on the district website at thprd.org/events/summerconcerts.cfm.

Sponsors needed
The sponsor who has supported the Cedar Mill Park Concert in previous years will not be continuing this year. One or more businesses are needed to donate funds or in-kind donations to help pay for the band, stage setup, sound equipment, publicity and other incidentals. The concerts offer opportunities to businesses and community partners to support these free events, starting at $100.00! Contact Sandy (info above) for more information or see the THPRD website at thprd.org/events/summerconcerts.cfm.

Silver Bullets + Mike's = Clean Cars

9 am – 4 pm, Saturday April 11,
Mike’s Auto Parts parking lot at the northeast corner of Saltzman & Cornell

The Oregon Silver Bullets Softball Team (for girls under 14) is taking a break from the diamond and heading to Mike’s Auto Parts for a car wash Fundraiser. These 12 dedicated girls from our local area are working hard to raise money for equipment, uniforms, and tournament fees. You can help simply by letting them wash your car for a donation.

Mike’s donates equipment and supplies and the girls supply the labor.

Christ United Methodist annual plant sale

May 1-2, 9 am – 4 pm.
Church members will be selling vegetable starts, annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and miscellaneous garden-related stuff. Proceeds will fund preschool scholarships and other church needs. The sale will be held in the main lobby of the church, located at 12755 NW Dogwood Street, just west of Saltzman.

They’re also looking for donations—plants, ornamental pots, garden art, etc. If you are interested in donating, contact Janet Crum at 503-680-0331 or janetcrum@gmail.com.

Not MY Kid Forum

Sunset High School is sponsoring a “Not MY Kid” Forum on Wednesday, April 15 from 7-9 p.m.

Even good kids can make poor decisions. Research shows that parents who send firm, consistent messages against tobacco, alcohol and other drugs will influence their children’s behavior not to use. However, surveys find parents are suffering from a “not my kid” syndrome. We believe that we can help protect kids and inspire postive life choices by educating our community about the consequences and long-term impact of destructive youth behaviors.

Speakers at the forum will include a Registered Nurse presenting “Trauma Nurses Talk Tough.” In addition, trial attorney Larry Wobbrock will address legal information that all parents and youth should know. A panel of young adults will share their personal stories of overcoming life-controlling addictions and self-destructive behaviors.

Students and parents are encouraged to attend this two-hour awareness forum together. Please note that the forum is not recommended for children under the age of 12 due to graphic photos used in the trauma nurse presentation. Interpretes en español estaran disponibles.

For more information, contact Rebecca Carney, Sunset Prevention/Intervention Specialist, 503-259-5175 or Rebecca_Carney@beavton.k12.or.us

Science Fair at Cedar Mill Elementary

Thursday, April 16, 5:30-8 pm
Come out and support young scientists and maybe learn something too! Science projects will be on display along with hands-on activities for science exploration. Cedar Mill Elementary is located on Cornell at 102nd.




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Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291