Volume 7, Issue 5 | May 2009 |
Community Announcements
Bobcat Pancakes at Bonny Slope ElementarySaturday, May 16 Come and enjoy some delicious pancakes, sausage, juice, and coffee! We will also be showing pictures of the 5th Grade Outdoor School trip. All proceeds will go towards next year’s 5th Grade Outdoor School. $5 per person suggested donation Thank you to Winco Foods and Coffee Rush for their generous sponsorship! We hope you can join us! Please RSVP or send questions to mzzcandy@yahoo.com Shortcake Social & Historic Photo Exhibit returns to GrangeCedar Mill’s Leedy Grange #339 will present its second annual “FUNraiser” on June 20-21. Grange members and volunteers will be serving up delicious sweet and juicy local strawberries, Bob’s Red Mill biscuits and Alpenrose whipped cream in the dining room. In the main hall, Nancy Olson’s collection of Cedar Mill History photos will be on display, with members of the Friends of the JQA Young House on hand to talk about our fascinating pioneer history and plans for the house. Shortcake will cost $3 for a small bowl and $5 for a large. The Grange is raising money to refinish the floor in the main hall. Work on the floor should get underway in late June. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Grange, or in volunteering for the event, visit the website: leedygrange.org, or contact Virginia Bruce, 503-629-5799 or virginia.bruce@gmail.com. More details next month!
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Terra Linda 2nd grader Virginia O’Keeffe said, “I really liked participating in it because it was fun and we got to use clay. I enjoyed pounding the clay and doing it with my best friend Grace.” |
Approximately 445 students, 45 parent volunteers, and Portland artist Lynn Takata worked together for three months to create Terra Linda Elementary’s new work of art titled Mosaic Garden Mural. A truly collaborative effort, each K-5 classroom brainstormed with the artist about items they might find in an Oregon garden and then voted on which item they would like to make. The children then participated in drawing and clay workshop sessions and some helped with the final wall installation. Additionally, parent volunteers assisted in the workshop, glazing, firing, and installation phases of the project.
This truly community-centered activity evolved as part of Terra Linda’s whole-school arts enrichment program—this year’s goals being to enrich students’ exposure to and understanding of visual art techniques and elements. The program endeavored to develop an appreciation of public art and the skills of a professional artist while building school-wide unity during a boundary-change year of transition at Terra Linda.
The Mosaic Garden Mural, funded in part by The Regional Arts & Culture Council, is sponsored by the Terra Linda PTC, a recipient of the Council’s 2009 Arts-in-Schools Project Grant.
The completed 12’ x 6’ mural will be dedicated on Thursday, May 14th at 6:30p.m. during the school’s annual ART BLAST night at the school, 1998 NW 143rd Ave. The event is free and open to the public.
At the dedication ceremony, students and families will be invited to view the mural, meet the artist, hear students sing & read poems, and view students’ mural design drawings. At Terra Linda’s annual ART BLAST, the community is also invited to view students’ individual art projects and to participate in interactive art stations. A fundraiser dinner will also be offered in the cafeteria.
May 16 and 17, 10 AM to 4 PM, 5151 NW Cornell Road
It’s really spring at last! The Portland Audubon Native Plant Sale welcomes all gardeners eager to celebrate the growing season. Over 100 species of Oregon wildflowers, shrubs, and trees will be available to enhance your yard, woodland, or stream bank.
Free Gardening Workshops offered on Saturday May 16:
Creating a Rain Garden, 1 pm
What is the connection between rain, habitat and a beautiful garden? Join Amy Whitworth of Plan-It-Earth Design in a discussion of rain gardens or bioswales for your home. A rain garden combines the right plants with the right location for a pleasing garden feature that enhances populations of beneficial insects, birds and wildlife. Find out if a rain garden is right for your yard. Bring your questions and ideas!
Sustainable Gardening Workshop, 2 pm
Beginning with our own small corner of the earth we can make choices that honor our fellow creatures and plants, leaving a vibrant balanced earth for future generations. Kathryn Leech, APLD, River City Gardens, will discuss sustainable practices that can be incorporated your garden building process.
Can’t wait until the weekend? Join Metro naturalist and interpretive planner Deb Scrivens Tuesday, May 12, 7 PM, in Heron Hall for a presentation on ethnobotany, the study of how humans use plants. Deb will focus on plants native to our region and how they have been and continue to be used by people for food, shelter, tools, and more.
All events are free and open to the public. Proceeds from the sale benefit Audubon programs such as nature education, wildlife sanctuaries, and wildlife rehabilitation. For more information: 503.292.9453 or visit audubonportland.org/sanctuaries/plant-sale/plant-sale
Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291