Volume 5, Issue 6 | June 2007 |
Village Gallery News & Events
Show of the MonthThe theme for June is “Summer Themes.” This all-media show runs from June 5 to July 1. Artist of the MonthThe Featured Artist for June is Danlar. He will feature photography and acrylic paintings that have been described as “organic abstract” art. Simple Steps to Sustaining your BusinessThis workshop for small business owners will be on Saturday, June 9 from 1 to 4 pm at the Village Gallery. Presented by Mara Woloshin, owner of a local publicity/advertising agency. Topics include branding your business, sources of business funding, daily operations, investment returns and small business planning formulas. Cost is $25. To sign up, send an email to Tupper Malone at tuppernt@comcast.net. The Village Gallery of Arts is a non-profit cooperative teaching gallery for arts and crafts. 12505 NW Cornell Road. Next to the Cedar Mill Community Library. 503-644-8001. villagegalleryarts.org
Rustle up your friends and mosey on down to Cedar Mill Bible Church on Tuesday, June 19 through Saturday, June 23, for Avalanche Ranch. Camp runs from 9:00-12:00 p.m. for kids 4 years old (by September 1) through 6th grade. They will sing some rip-roaring songs, create and eat some lip-smacking theme-of-the-day snacks, watch a drama, have recreation time on the open plains, and most importantly, learn about Jesus. All groups are multi-aged. A small adult to kid ratio assures that your child isn’t just another face in the crowd. The cost is $20.00 per child and includes a camp t-shirt. Download a registration at cmbc.org. For more information, call the church office at 503.644.3156.
Karyn Servin, a local freelance illustrator and designer, launched her greeting card company, Charm Somebody, in January. The company’s line of greeting cards offer wishes for every-day-life experiences. Each of the 48 different cards includes a pewter charm, engraved with an inspirational wish. Karyn’s parents, who are Beaverton residents, help with the business along with her husband and older son, who is 9. Karyn says: “It is our belief at Charm Somebody that it is our moral imperative to give back, to tread lightly and spread joy. We do this by donating 1% of net profits to children’s charities; using 50% recycled paper and sending heartfelt wishes to the world on our cards.” Charm Somebody is a new member of the Cedar Mill Business Association. The cards can be found locally at all New Seasons Markets and at Occasions Fine Gifts on Barnes. The company’s website charmsomebody will have an online retail store soon.
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