Volume 7, Issue 6 | June 2009 |
Bales shopping center will get exterior upgradeNow that interior updates are well underway at Bales Marketplace, the exterior of the center will get a facelift and some improvements as well. Ryan Egge, of Bales Property Management, says that the entire center will be “warmed up” with cedar siding and new colors. The work may begin by next month.
New lighting will be installed. A metal mesh background will be added to the logo sign, and a Starbucks sign will be added. Later in the summer, work will begin on the new exit onto Dogwood, which was part of the deal enabling the new Dogwood stoplight on Saltzman. The exit will slope gradually up from the location of the grassy median and flatten out at street level. The new exit will be right-out-only, to serve people who want to go northbound on Saltzman. The existing driveway from Saltzman will become right-in, right-out because the Saltzman road project will include a median that will prevent a left turn.
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