CMBA Meeting Notes
By Dawn Anderson
During the June CMBA meeting, Jim Bixler of the Oregonian Display Advertising
office gave us an overview of group advertising in the Oregonian. The current
Cedar Mill group ad is a zone product that runs twice a month in the Washington
County Weekly Thursday edition of the Oregonian. The cost is $50.29 per month
for each advertiser. The benefits of a group ad are that the Oregonian contributes
the ad heading space and it is a lower rate than for an individual ad of the
same size. Layout and design are included in the cost. For more info, please
call Jim at 503-221-8355.
News from the CMBA board
- The board is still obtaining quotes for the Cedar Mill
banners. The CMBA board has decided to purchase the banners instead
of seeking business sponsors.
- Elections will be next February, the board is recruiting
for new board members now.
- The board is forming committees: Membership (recruiting
and welcoming new members), Programs, and Downtown Beautification
(banners and flowers). Contact Virginia Bruce if you're interested in joining
a committee.
- Membership
fees: The board has decided to prorate the fee
for new members based on the number of months remaining in the year.
Renewing members still pay $70.
- Let Virginia know if you would like to have your member
listing in the Cedar Mill News and on the website changed in any
The Cedar Mill Park Community Concert will be on Thursday,
August 9. The CMBA will have a table at the concert. If you would like
to have literature at the table, would like to meet and greet or help
the day of the event with set-up, please contact Virginia. The CMBA
is also accepting nominations for the Business of the Year award to
be presented at the concert. If you would like to nominate a business,
please contact Virginia at 503-629-5799 or
email her .
The next meeting of the CMBA will be held on Tuesday, July 10, at noon in
the Cedar Mill Community Library upstairs meeting room. The meeting topic
will be Tax Tips for Small Business, presented by April Gutierrez of
Pacific Northwest Tax Service. Please join us! Free pizza, bring your own
The Third Thirsty Thursday event will take a summer
break and start up again in September. We had a good time at Si Señor in June and we’ll
probably be there for the September 20 get-together.