Announcements: July 2008
Grange Shortcake Social a success
Cedar Mill’s Leedy Grange hosted a Strawberry Shortcake Social and Historic Photo Exhibit June 21-22, the first Grange-sponsored event in over 20 years. Over 300 visitors enjoyed shortcake and a stroll through Cedar Mill history, and two new members joined.
The photo collection will be on display again on August 30, when Leedy will host a fundraising Biscuit & Sausage Breakfast for the regional Pomona Grange. The public is invited to stop in between 7-11 am to enjoy this breakfast treat with all the trimmings.
Learn more about the Grange at
State legislators' Town Hall July 9
Senator Suzanne Bonamici (Senate District 17) and Representatives Mitch Greenlick (House District 33) and Chris Harker (House District 34) will hold a joint town hall meeting in room 21 of the East Pavilion at St. Vincent Medical Center on Wednesday, July 9. Legislators will make brief remarks beginning at 6:30 pm to kick off the discussion with community members about important issues facing Oregon and the upcoming 2009 Legislative Session. The meeting will conclude at 8:00 pm with closing comments from the legislators.
Senator Bonamici was appointed last month to Senate District 17 (which comprises House Districts 33 and 34) to fulfill the vacancy created by?newly appointed Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. Representative Chris Harker was sworn into the State House of Representatives on June 18, 2008 and this will be his first legislative town hall. Representative Mitch Greenlick has represented House District 33 since 2003.
This is a great opportunity to discuss?state government in an informal setting. Please bring a friend and your questions about the issues that are most important to you. Refreshments will be provided.
Summer Camps at The Harmony School
Art projects, dancing and performances will keep kids excited this summer at Harmony School, 12849 NW Cornell Rd., just west of the Shell station. Camp sessions run Tuesday-Friday, 10 am-1 pm. Call Rebecca at 503-626-0166 or visit the website for more information,
What do gifted children need?
The Beaverton School District is seeking six to eight parents or community members to serve on a Talented and Gifted (TAG) Project Team. The committee will meet from 4-6 pm approximately every 4-6 weeks beginning in September 2008. This is a one-year commitment with the charge of reviewing and recommending revisions to current TAG services based on research in the field.
The deadline to apply is Friday, August 1, 2008. Interested community members should submit a letter of interest/resume and address the following question: What do gifted children need?
For additional information, contact the District’s Communications & Community Involvement Department at (503) 591-4360.