Did you know that our local rivers and streams have fecal bacteria that
exceed clean water standards? According to a recent DNA study, dog waste
alone accounts for almost 15% in some local streams.
And it’s not just in parks and public spaces where you need to clean
up after your dog. Runoff from your own backyard (and your neighbors’ yards)
also ends up in your local stream. Please put your dog waste into
bags and dispose of it in your garbage.
What can you do to keep our water safe and clean? Follow these steps:
Take the Canines
for Clean Water pledge at www.cleanwaterservices.org/canines and
receive a FREE bandana.*
Enter your fashionable
hound in our photo contest.
up after your pet.
pet waste into a garbage can.
The Canines for Clean Water program is sponsored by the Tualatin Basin
Partners for Clean Water. Help keep our water clean for future generations
of humans and canines alike.