Volume 4, Issue 9 | September
Local groups clean up with carwashesPat Mahoney, the owner of Mike’s Auto Parts, was one of the founders of the Cedar Mill Days celebrations that took place between 1995 and 1999. He recalls that, “Cedar Mill Elementary School held a pancake breakfast during the event. to raise money for outdoor school. When that didn’t make enough money, I suggested that they have a carwash here in the parking lot. They earned about $1500 with the first one, as I recall!”
This soon turned into a warm-weather tradition in the community. Church groups, high school band and dance groups, scouts and others scramble to get on the calendar for the weekend events. “It’s become so popular that you have to sign up way in advance,” Mahoney says. He particularly likes this method of fundraising because, “We can help them to help themselves. It’s a lot better than a handout.” This sentiment is echoed by Sunset High Band parent Julie Lueker. “The carwash is a wonderful thing!, It’s nice to have the kids do something to earn their own way, and it’s not just selling stuff we don’t need. The arts are so poorly funded anymore, this is a way that the community can support our band.” The carwashes are advertised as “Free with donation.” Most people spend around $5 but often larger sums are donated. The location at Cedar Mill’s busy intersection of Saltzman and Cornell works well for several reasons. “The visibility is a big factor,” says Mahoney. “People stop in just to see what’s going on. Then they usually stay to get their car washed. They used to line up in front, but now that the coffee stand is there, we don’t want to be blocking their business. We tell the kids to be respectful of the other businesses and we rarely have any problems,” says Mahoney. NEWS HOME |
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