Volume 4, Issue 9 | September
Polygon offers Timberland homesTimberland, the long-anticipated development on the Teufel Nursery property has opened a sales office and begun selling homes. The first units are in the north quadrant of the property with access via 118th off Cornell. The sales office (503-641-1904) features displays of finish options and a locally-produced video about the Cedar Mill community. It is located near the overlook park above Cedar Mill Falls.
We interviewed Fred Gast, Vice President of Polygon Homes LLC. about the new homes. How many units will be completed in this phase? What size? The first phase of development will include approximately 250 homes. These range in size from one-bedroom one-bath units from 647 square feet up to three-bedroom two-and-one-half bath units of 1681 square feet. The majority of the units are two-bedroom two-bath units in the 1000-1300 square foot range. When will this phase be completed? Will it include the parks and playgrounds? Our first homes will be completed this year, along with improvements being made to several trails and parks. How has the sales effort been going? Are you selling units or leasing? Sales have been very successful. There has been a great deal of interest in all of our home designs. What are the prices? Homes are priced from $200,000 What are you planning to do on the school property that sits in the middle of the site? We will be completing the school site improvements this year. At this point we have graded the site, provided the utilities and built some of the roads. What will be the next phase to be built after this one? The next phase at Timberland will include 200 homes and it will begin after the homes in Phase One have been sold. Will you be doing more work down by the creek and the falls? When will that property get transferred to the THPRD? The creek property will be dedicated to THPRD once the
improvements are completed. This will be done in phases. In the next
few months THPRD will receive approximately 8 acres including some
trails and two pocket parks. What is your current thinking on the commercial/retail area? I remember you originally said that Polygon would develop it, but I’ve heard that you’re looking for a commercial-developer partner? We are close to an agreement with our commercial partner. We remain committed to develop the property ourselves. Still saying “no big box?” Any thoughts about what would be a good commercial mix? We are still working on this, however, our position remains unchanged. Would some kind of public facility (community center, history center) be a possibility as part of the commercial development? It is too early to tell, but this is an interesting idea. Perhaps the history can built into the overall development.
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