Anna Brice, a 17 year old senior at Westview High School, decided to do
something a little different for her senior project. With some brainstorming
help from her mom she came up with a fun idea that benefits youth at risk
and folks over 55 at risk (of not having enough fun).
Anna decided to organize a senior prom with a twist. Instead of high school
seniors, her dance is for senior citizens. A prime opportunity for folks 55
and over to dance the night away, all proceeds of the evening will go to Outside
In. Outside In is a local shelter/medical center for at-risk and homeless
teens in the Portland area. When Anna was younger, her mother took her there
for a visit, and it sprang to mind as a worthy cause while organizing her
So if you’re over 55, plan to come out and do some good for the community.
You’re guaranteed a good time in the process.