Cedar Mill is very fortunate to have the Portland area's first Russian professionally-oriented Ballet Academy, now that Artur Sultanov and his wife and co-founder Cynthia Hom have opened the Russian Ballet Academy...
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, September 14
Pizza & networking 11:45
Place: Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman
Energy Saving Opportunities and Incentives for Businesses
Paula Conway, PGE Lead Energy Specialist
Ten Minutes of Fame: Sunset Animal Clinic
FREE pizza, bring your own beverage
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
Some folks may wish that aliens would land and take over this problematic area that was created in Metro's 2002 Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansion. It might be the easiest way to solve the dilemma that local jurisdictions and landowners find themselves in.....
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Fun for the whole family on a fall afternoon!...
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Cornell Cleanup October 9
The Cedar Mill Business Association will hold its annual Fall Cleanup along both sides of Cornell between Murray and Saltzman, from 9 am to about 11 am (depending on how many volunteers come out to help!). CMBA will provide safety vests, gloves, trash bags and some tools, but volunteers are welcome to bring additional shovels, hoes, brooms, etc and your favorite gloves.
Washington County will provide traffic control, so if you're not volunteering, please drive carefully through the area and give us a wave! Free coffee and donuts, too! We'll meet up at the "overlook" just west of A Cut Above, but feel free to join in anytime and anywhere you see the weeds. Remember, it's up to us to keep our downtown area nice. |

First of all, I urge everyone to vote on November 2. There are many races that are very important this fall that will affect Oregon's future, including Governor, US Senate and House, and State legislature positions...
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New fire station proposed for Thompson Road
A Neighborhood Meeting is scheduled for October 14 at 7 pm at Findley Elementary to present TVF&R's plans for a new fire station on Thompson Road at Evergreen. TVF&R purchased the former "Mort's Pig Farm" property and is proposing to relocate Station 68 from its present location just off Thompson at 147th. They say the current structure is inadequate to service the growing residential and commercial areas of North Bethany.
More information about the proposal is available on the agency website at tvfr.com. The public is invited to the meeting to hear about the plans and provide comments. |
Local governments require cable operators (such as Comcast and Frontier) to set aside channels in their lineup for use by the public, educational institutions for educational programming, and by local governments for programming relevant to the jurisdictions they serve (PEG)...
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The Nature of Cedar Mill
Harvest time
On one of my blackberry jaunts I flushed a large flock of California quail from under a thicket. I really am amazed at how they can navigate that thorny underbrush without getting tangled...
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Richard Meyers has owned the property at the southwest corner of Murray and Cornell for years. He's worked with the state Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to clean up contamination from the former gas station, and he donated a big chunk of land to Washington County for the Murray/Cornell road project...
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Seed saving has been going on for as long as humans have engaged in agriculture...
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Fashion Show; E-reading; Top 100...
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