October Community Announcements
Ballroom Dancing swings into Cedar Mill!
Join us the second and fourth Fridays of every month at the Leedy Grange, 835 NW Saltzman Road. Beginner's Lesson at 7 pm followed by Open Dancing from 8-10 pm. Cost is $7/adults and $5/students. Everyone is welcome -- especially beginners! Singles are fine!
Instruction and DJ'd music are provided by Michael and Cynthia Parent of Impressions Dance Club. Michael and Cynthia have been teaching and competing throughout the Northwest for the past 20 years. They have worked diligently for the past ten years to bring social dance programs to the community through local classes, school education programs and volunteer work with DARE. They’ve been teaching dance at the Grange Hall to Sunset students and others, and this is the next step, heartily supported by the Grange.
Cynthia says, “Our goal is to bring social connection back to our community through dance. We sincerely hope you will join us for a relaxed evening of social dance and fun. Try some Swing, Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa, Foxtrot, Tango and Waltz. And if you don't know how to dance, we're here to help.”
For information contact Cynthia Parent at 971-226-1119, or visit www.ImpressionsDanceClub.net
DEQ continues to monitor Murray/Cornell property
Many wondered about the large tank sitting in a fenced-off area at the corner of Murray and Cornell. Teresa Wilson, Real Property Management Specialist for Washington County, says, “As part of the negotiated Right-Of-Way settlement, the former owner of the property is working on the next phase of environmental remediation.
“A series of trenches have been excavated on the property. Water and microbes were fed into the ground from the tank. The goal is for the microbes to reduce/break down the compounds left as a result of the dry cleaners that occupied the site. The groundwater will be tested using a series of monitoring wells. The monitoring process will take several months, and DEQ will determine whether results are acceptable, or if more cleanup is required.”
The property needs a clean bill of health from DEQ before the county can proceed with a much-anticipated auction of the parcel, which is zoned as a Transit Oriented Commercial property with the Town Center requirements.
Tutors needed for new school year
The OASIS Tutor Program supports school-age children in developing their literacy skills. After training and review of tutor materials, tutors are placed in elementary schools throughout the Portland Metro Area. We serve seven districts: Portland, Beaverton, Gresham, Sherwood, Reynolds, Tigard, and David Douglas. Volunteers not only help students learn to read and write, but can create a special bond with a child. We ask for a commitment of one hour a week for the school year. Please call the OASIS Tutor Program at 503-241-3059 for more information.
Garden Club goes fungal
“Mushroom Cultivation/Identifying the Good & Bad Mushroom,” will be presented by Ed Foy, of the Oregon Mycological Society, at the Wednesday, October 19 meeting of the Cedar Mill Garden Club. The meeting will be at the Beaverton Community Center, across from the Beaverton City Library on 5th and Hall (12350 S.W. 5th) at 11:30 am. For additional information about the Cedar Mill Garden Club, contact Barbara Cushman, president at 503-649-7741 or visit our website thecedarmillgardenclub.org
OSU Extension moves to Washington County Headquarters building
The Oregon State University Extension service, formerly housed at the Capital Center near Tanasbourne, has moved to the Charles D. Cameron Public Services building in Hillsboro, the same building where the Washington County government meets. The move brings the Extension Service nearer to all the services offered by Washington County. All phone numbers and emails remain the same.
Sheriff's Office, USDEA sponsors prescription drug turn-in
In an effort to prevent drug abuse, overdose and theft, the Washington County Sheriffs Office and the United States Department of Drug Enforcement Administration is holding an anonymous, no-questions-asked, drug turn-in on Saturday October 29 at Aloha High School, 18550 SW Kinnaman Road, Aloha. Accepted items are any unwanted prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines, including pills and syrups, either current or expired. This is an anonymous service. There are some unaccepted items however, including illegal drugs, medical waste or trash, thermometers, syringes, needles, IV solutions, lotions and creams. Contact Doreen Rivera, Crime Prevention Specialist, at 503-846-5930 with any questions.
Terra Nova awarded $64,000 grant
Terra Nova High School was presented with a $64,000 State Farm Youth Advisory grant. The grant will be used to fund the school's Service Learning Lab, which focuses on topics like environmental sustainability and cross-disciplinary studies between science and language arts by using the school's farm as a lab as well.
Terra Nova High School, located at the former Bonny Slope School site at NW Thompson and McDaniel, is the newest high school in the Beaverton School District.
Terra Nova grew out of the spirit of two programs previously offered by the Northwest Regional Education Service District: the Cascade Education Corps and the Outdoor Leadership Program. These outdoor, environmental education programs gave students training and hands-on experience in leadership, teaching, and environmental issues. This real world learning provides students with an opportunity to develop personal, team building and problem solving skills.
More information is on the school's website.
BSD seeks individuals for school Community Engagement Committees
The Beaverton School District is searching for applicants for each school’s Community Engagement Committee. Responsibilities of these committees include assisting the principal with outreach to the community, serving as a liaison between the community, principal and School Board, and deciding use of school property.
Applicants will be appointed by each school’s respective principal, and they must reside and/or work within District boundaries. Applications are available online at beaverton.k12.or.us. The deadline to apply is October 17.
Free classes for parents offered by Sheriff's Office
The Washington County Sheriff's Office is hosting Parent University workshops, which cover the basics of understanding and dealing with bullying and social networking, and strategies to keep your children safe. The workshops will be held on consecutive Wednesdays starting October 12 at 7 pm at the Sheriff's Office Training Center, 215 SW Adams Ave in Hillsboro. The first workshop discusses bullying, and the second discusses social networking, parents may attend one or all of the workshops. Registration is encouraged, though not required. To register, call (503) 846-2585, or email Julie_McClloud@co.washington.or.us.
Urban Road Maintenance District funds expanded to cover more than roads
The Board of Commissioners adopted an ordinance on September 6 that expands the services eligible for funding by the Urban Road Maintenance District to include construction of safety improvements such as sidewalks, bike lanes and paved shoulders. Prior to this change, URMD funds were limited to road maintenance only. The URMD property tax rate remains unchanged. The Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee will have input into the selection of safety improvement projects. Their next meeting is October 19 and is open to the public.