Volume 9, Issue 10 | October 2011 |
Business News
Bales offers a new Gluten-free section
Mountain Man opens Saturday locationBeginning Saturday, October 22, between 10 am and 3 pm, Joanne Hollister, our Cedar Mill Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Co. distributor, will set up a temporary booth on Murray Road in the Miller Paint parking lot. Joanne will offer holiday gift baskets, nut, candy and fruit packs as well as all other Mt. Man treats. Corporate and personal orders can be placed for shipping or for delivery. With Mountain Man gift baskets and packs, your recipients will be getting more delicious food and less packaging than with other holiday gift companies. Joanne will work with you on personalizing your basket for your customers, and in picking out what you want in a one-pound pack. Be sure to stop in and see what great gifts and snacks our local Mountain Man can provide for you. For more information call Joanne at 503-701-4005. The booth will be open through December 17—weather permitting.
Sandy Sahagian portraiture is offering a Halloween special. Don those costumes or bring your kids and have a professional photograph taken to remember the occasion. For more information, call (503) 297-2343. Free Car InspectionOctober is Car Care Month, and to celebrate, Du Fresne’s Auto Repair is teaming up with AAA and The Car Care Council to offer a free car inspection. On October 22, Du Fresne’s will host a barbecue, including drinks, goodie bags, baby car seat installation, and of course a Free Vehicle inspection. Those who are interested in learning about safety and dependability issues for their own vehicle will love this. To make an appointment, call (503) 646-2940, or go to www.DuFresnesAutoRepair.com for more information. Fashionable Fund-RaiserSecond Edition Resale Shop, the ongoing fundraiser for the Cedar Mill Community Library, will host “Cover to Cover”, a fashion show and luncheon on Friday, October 21, at 11:30 am. The event will be held at the Christ United Methodist Church and will feature “like new” clothing and accessories from the shop. The luncheon will be catered by Lori Emch of Tasteful Catering, with help from the Second Edition volunteers. Tickets are $18 and are available at Second Edition (next to the Cedar Mill Community Library). The volunteers look forward to making this a big money-making event, and have contributed a handmade quilt, American Girl doll, and gift baskets to add even more fun. Everyone who attended last year was impressed with the quality of the items displayed, which are for sale in the shop following the show. (Drivers, watch out for Fashion Show attendees rushing across the street to vie for that perfect dress!) H.E.R.O.s Of The Business WorldAmong the list of Cedar Mill community heroes are the folks at Dollar Tree, Poppa's Haven, Mikes Auto Parts, Sunset Athletic Club, Walgreens, and Muttley Crew. These businesses are participating in Sunset High School’s work experience (H.E.R.O.) program. The Sunset H.E.R.O. program strives to improve the quality of post-high school life for students with disabilities, offering them a realistic and exploratory work experience at participating community business locations. If you have questions about the H.E.R.O.'s program, please contact Liz Baer at Sunset High School, (503) 259-5050 or liz_baer@beaverton.k12.or.us. Star Player of 2011Terrill Jarvis of Electronics Unlimited was recently nominated for the 2011 Star Player award by Habitat for Humanity Portland Metro East at the Oregon Opportunity Network 2011 Awards Gala in Portland. Jarvis and Electronics Unlimited were recognized for the pro-bono IT support they have provided to community members for over 8 years. The Star Player award is chosen by Oregon Opportunity Network members to recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals working with agencies that help with Oregon’s affordable housing and community development industry. Reiki Master Faye Wenke WorkshopPoints of Tranquility Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is pleased to bring back internationally renowned Reiki Master, Faye Wenke. Faye has been returning to the Portland area from Australia to conduct her seminars since 2005. Faye’s seminar “Personal Empowerment using Reiki Jin Kei Do” uses a holistic approach to personal development and healing, allowing you to take responsibility for your own health. Reiki Jin Kei Do helps by reducing stress and promoting inner peace and accelerating healing on all levels. Reiki Jin Kei Do is a gentle, non-invasive healing energy Faye has been teaching adults and children for more that 20 years. There are no limitations or pre-requisites to learn Reiki Jin Kei Do. The seminar will be hosted at Points of Tranquility in Cedar Mill on November 4th (evening only), 5th and 6th. Friday evening is an introduction to Reiki Jin Kei Do and a chance to meet Faye. Everyone is welcome but please call to reserve a space. Call for more information 503-520-1270. Virtue of the Month: CharityCharity is a giving heart, a generous way of viewing others and caring for their needs... It springs from compassion for the suffering of others, even those we don't know. Charity moves us, and we respond to their needs, giving help and kindness. We make a genuine difference in their lives. When we are charitable, we don't judge others. We give them the benefit of the doubt. Charity is caring made manifest... Charity creates a circle of love." The Practice of Charity: I feel compassion for the suffering of others. I share what I have. I give generously. I withhold judgments. I give others room for mistakes. When I see a need, I take action to help. Affirmation: I am thankful for the gift of Charity. It makes my life a blessing. Excerpt from Virtues Reflection Cards, written by Linda Kavelin Popov. Download your free audio sample of our Virtues CDs here. Call us for a priceless consultation today. Delaram Hakiman-Adyani www.virtuesconnectionportland.com, 503-267-0202. Halloween Candy: a Tricky TreatTo promote community health, World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is hosting their annual candy exchange, from Monday-Friday, November 1-7. Kids can bring their unopened Halloween candy in and trade for toys. Kids will weigh their baskets on the scale, and the more they bring in, the more toys they get to choose! All hard candies will be donated to the Armed Forces Recruiting Centers to send overseas to troops. Kids and their families are encouraged to bring a letter or card to send with the candies as well to help encourage our soldiers during this holiday season. However, because the candy craving is unavoidable, World of Smiles would like to offer the community a few tips for maintaining good dental health, even with all that sugar: Save candy for special occasions, like holidays and other special days! After your child indulges in any and all candy on Halloween or other times, brush and floss right before bed. Parent supervision of brushing for kids under age seven is always the best idea and especially after a sugar party! Decide which candies might “disappear” the day after Halloween—especially those that are sticky. Sticky and sour candies are the very worst for teeth (even fruit snacks, fruit leathers, and some dried fruits)—it gets caught in deep grooves and wears away the protective enamel on the outside of the tooth. Chocolate is much better on the teeth! Keep sweets at mealtimes only, as a dessert, and rinse with milk or water after snacking. If your child is drawn to sweet treats, try switching to a gum that contains Xylitol, which has been shown to have many of the same benefits as fluoride, fighting oral bacteria that cause cavities! For more information about the candy exchange and World of Smiles, check out www.visitworldofsmiles.com/community or find them on Facebook, or call (503) 626-9700. Pumpkin Carving Contest At Sunset Credit UnionSunset Credit Union is holding their first pumpkin carving/painting contest and all Cedar Mill residents 12 years old and younger are eligible to enter. Simply bring the pumpkin—painted or carved—to Sunset Credit Union (1100 NW Murray Blvd. #200) October 1-28 and we’ll take a photo of the child with their pumpkin. Or you can take a photo of the pumpkin and drop it off at the credit union. First, second and third place will win prizes, but all entries will receive a free gift. Please limit to one entry per person. Winners will be notified on Monday, October 31. Music lessons for adults!Westside Music School is offering a new recreational music-making program, intended for adult beginners who would like to learn to play the organ, piano, or keyboard. This course, which includes both familiar tunes and original music, is designed specifically for hobbyists who enjoy a stress-free learning environment. The students will learn to play by chords as well as learning to read music. Also, contrary to traditional teaching scenarios, students are not required to play in formal recitals. Westside Music School provides celebrations, piano parties and similar get-togethers to allow adult students the opportunity to share music with their friends and families on a volunteer basis. Westside Music School bases this new class on the following principals: every life needs music, the non-musical benefits of playing the piano are equally important as the musical benefits, and adult students want to learn how to read music, how to play by chords and how to share this with others. A stress-free, supportive environment allows students to nurture and encourage their common love of music. Daytime and evening classes are available. Call Westside Music School (503) 626-7181 for more information. UPS offers new delivery choicesUPS My Choice is a product from UPS that is designed to help enhance the delivery experience for residential receivers. This product allows residential receivers to take action on a package prior to the first delivery attempt. It helps avoid the disappointment and hassle of missing a home delivery, and provides delivery alerts, specific delivery time frames, reroute options, visibility tools and electronic signature release. The service comes at two levels of membership, and will be available beginning on October 3. For more information about UPS My Choice or to pre-register for the service, visit www.ups.com/mychoice/pr, or stop in at The UPS Store in the Peterkort Center.
Village Gallery NewsThe group show will be juried by Carol DuBosch, a nationally-renowned calligraphy artist who lives in Cedar Mill. An award will be given to the winner at the end of the month. Additionally, the featured artist for October is Emma Achleitner. Artist’s reception will be on October 9, noon-2 pm at the Village Gallery of Arts. Emma’s watercolor paintings for this show are painted in a traditional style, yet contain whimsical aspects. She was schooled in Austria as a metal engraver and has taught college classes for 21 years. She is teaching a traditional watercolor class this fall at the Village Gallery of Arts. The Gallery is offering several art classes for the month of October, including a youth book-making class (Fridays, 3:45-4:45 pm) and children’s general art classes (Mondays, 3:45-4:45 pm). Youth classes fill up fast, so register soon! For adult classes, the Gallery is offering a class in Glass Lamp; Aspiration Book-making; Traditional Watercolor classes; Watermedia workshops; and drawing classes. Please call the Gallery at (503) 644-8001 or visit our website www.villagegalleryarts.org for additional information regarding the gallery, membership, classes, and special events.
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