Volume 17, Issue 10 | October 2019 |
Road News October 2019Filbert sidewalk project chosen for future constructionThe Washington County Urban Road Maintenance District’s (URMD) volunteer Advisory Committee (URMDAC) met in September to select safety improvements from a “250%” list (250% of their target budget) they had been working on during the past year. 13 projects were recommended for funding during fiscal year 2020-2021 and fy 2021-22.
The project, which would construct a sidewalk along one side of Filbert between Murray and Saltzman, has been on the list for many years. The street offers a convenient route for pedestrians going to the library, and serves students at Sunset High and St. Pius School. We often see parents with small children walking in the street and dodging parked cars. It’s uncertain which side of the street will get a sidewalk. These details will be determined during the “project scoping” phase, when county staff considers various aspects, including costs of Right of Way and connections. While there is a little bit of sidewalk on the south side of Filbert near Murray, there is also a crosswalk across Saltzman from the north side. All necessary scoping will be done by the time the projects are submitted to the Capital Projects Services Division for design and project management.
URMDAC’s recommendations will go to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), which makes the final decision. We don’t have a date, but it will be before January 1, 2020. No additional project scoping will take place before the recommendations go to BCC. The “Filbert Street Saltzman Road to Murray Road” project has an estimated project cost of $1,307,000. Of that, URMD funds would fund $957,000, and the state Gain Share funds would fund $350,000. At one point, information on the county website noted that, “If selected, this candidate might be expanded one block, to include sidewalk on the east side of Murray from Filbert to Westlawn Terrace. That would be explored during scoping stage.” Several other projects within CPO 1 made the list, including a couple of safety projects in the Butner and Cedar Hills area. We’ll write about them when we learn more. NW Cornelius Pass Road will open October 18Mike Pullen, Multnomah County Communications office, is happy to report that they are working to reopen the full length of Cornelius Pass Road to all users on October 18 (probably at the end of the work day). The exact time when the road reopens may not be determined until a few days before it opens. Watch for the announcement the week of October 18. Unfortunately, work remains to be completed in summer 2020 at two locations between Hwy. 30 and NW Skyline Blvd. That work will not require the section of Cornelius Pass Road south of Skyline Blvd. to be closed. See our news release for details. Lane striping has been applied along the four new vehicle pullouts. The contractor will realign the curve at NW 8th Ave. and repave the road before it reopens in October. The culvert will be replaced in 2020.
Excavation of the rock face above the S-curves is complete and about half of the anchors have been installed to hold netting that prevents rocks from falling on the road. Next week the contractor will continue to install anchors so that the net can be installed before the road reopens in October. New flashing warning beacons will be activated later this year. The curve will be realigned and repaved in 2020. Permanent safety signs are being installed throughout the corridor. This work continues the next few weeks. All guardrail sections have been installed except at NW 8th Ave. Construction of the bioswale at NW Kaiser Road to treat stormwater at the intersection is complete. Placement of plants and soil in the swale happens this fall. For more information: Visit: www.multco.us/cornpass |
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