Volume 14, Issue 2 | February 2016 |
February Community News
Eat Smart Movie Series
Saturday, February 20, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman “Hanna Ranch” documents Kirk Hanna’s struggle to protect a way of life in Colorado. Born on the family ranch, Hanna became a leader in the environmental ranching movement that set out to protect the West from development and misuse. Hanna was called the “eco-cowboy,” sat on environmental boards and was president of the Colorado Cattleman’s Association. When his dream of sustainability ran up against the reality of family conflict and mounting threats to his land, Hanna struggled to maintain hope. This film is especially timely, considering recent events in Malheur County. Discussion and garden seed swap follow the film. Film is free, donations accepted. Leedy Grange and Terra Linda CUE are working with The Greenhorns, and have partnered with others, to buy the public presentation rights to their “Up Up! Farm” series (a total of over 15 hours of films). This is the first showing of a film in that series. CPO 1 features Sheriff informationTuesday, February 22, 7 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Sheriff Pat Garrett will join us for a discussion, including a short history of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, it’s organization, duties and budget. We’ll also hear about how urban policing is being integrated into the Office and how that may evolve in the future. Sheriff Garrett is up for re-election on the May 2016 ballot and will discuss his campaign. Additionally, we will find out about the 911 levy, also on the May ballot. CPO meetings are open to everyone. The mission of Citizen Participation Organizations in Washington County is to encourage and empower public involvement. Sign up online to receive the CPO 1 Newsletter and to become a voting member.
Awesome HourTuesday, February 16, 7-8 pm, Market of Choice, 250 NW Lost Springs Terrace, Cedar Mill The official “office hour” of the Awesome Beaverton & Beyond Chapter of the Awesome Foundation is moving to a new location. Interested in applying for a grant? Meet the Trustees, network with other “doers of good” in your community, and congratulate the winter $1000 Awesome Grant winner: Jolene Guptill, founder of the new Beaverton Social Justice League and her Beaverton Sleep Out/ Shelter Us Beaverton Project Learn how YOU can help their project be realized! You can even come early, from 6-7 pm, and attend the free Awesome Proposal Workshop to get help organizing YOUR idea into an Awesome proposal. For more information, visit awesomefoundation.org/en/chapters/beaverton. Cornell Road upgrades plannedThe busy intersection of Cornell Road and 107th Avenue is currently offset and not signalized. This project will realign the intersection and install a traffic signal, which will include dedicated left turn lanes on Cornell Road for travelers turning north or south onto 107th Avenue.
As part of this project, continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities will also be extended along Cornell Road from 107th to 102nd. Additional improvements include street lighting, storm drainage upgrades and landscaping. Project limits are subject to change upon further design review. This $3.85 million project is funded through a combination of sources including the County's Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP) and state funds. The total project cost includes the estimated cost of design, right-of-way and construction and is subject to change. This project is currently in the preliminary design phase. Surveyors and other crews will be on site gathering data in order to initiate design. Construction is anticipated to begin spring 2017. Estimated completion date is May 2018. Washington County Forum ScheduleMondays at 11:30 am, September through June, (except holidays), Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Rd. in Aloha There is no charge for the meetings! The speakers start at noon and lunch is available to order from the menu. Following the speaker, there will be an opportunity for Forum members to ask questions. Monday February 8: Joanne Krumberger, Portland Veterans Administration: “A look at the local VA Healthcare system” Monday February 15: Mark Katches, Editor, Oregonian/OregonLive, VP of Content, Oregonian Media Group: “What’s happened, what’s happening with our newspaper?” Monday February 22: Anette M. Evans, Washington County, Department of Housing Services: “Homelessness Programs” Monday February 29: Jake Weigher, Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety: “The Gun Issue-What can we do?” Monday March 7: Ben Unger, Our Oregon: “Corporate Tax Ballot Measure” Cultural Open House for Creative Minds!Tuesday February 16, 7 pm, Museum Archives & Administration Center, PCC Rock Creek Campus, free with RSVP
The Washington County Museum and the Westside Cultural Alliance are partnering to expand the cultural activities in the region. They are developing series of exhibitions and programs for the Museum's Rock Creek PCC facility. Artists, musicians, thespians, writers and other creative minds are invited to attend the Open House to learn more about participating in cultural opportunities at the museum: think exhibits, concerts and readings. Tour the museum's renovated Rock Creek facility. Snacks and beverages provided. To discover more and RSVP, visit the event page. Beaverton Police ShreddingSaturday, February 27, 10 am-1 pm, Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd. The Beaverton Police Department has a free shredding event! Identity theft and fraud crimes continue to be of great concern for all of us. One of the methods identity thieves use to steal your information is combing through recycling and garbage for sensitive information that has been thrown away. For this reason, the Beaverton Police Department recommends and encourages citizens to use a shredder (preferably cross-cut) for sensitive documents, such as credit card statements, financial statements, pre-approved credit card offers, old IRS tax forms, bank checks, household bills, and other documents that may contain sensitive information. Shred-it will be on site with two commercial-sized shredding trucks for this event. Items no larger than staples and paper clips may be attached to the papers. Because of the popularity of this event each vehicle will only be allowed to shred three banker style boxes of documents. This event is not for business documents. It is for personal documents only that contain personal information that if thrown out could lead to identity theft. Participants are encouraged to donate canned food to the Oregon Food Bank at the shredding event. Volunteers will be on site to accept these food donations. Please do not contact Sunset Presbyterian Church with questions about this shredding event. All information related to this event is posted on the Beaverton Police Department’s web page and Facebook page. Car Seat ClinicSaturday February 27, 10 am-12:30 pm, St. Vincent Hospital in the east parking structure. How well is your child’s safety seat installed? Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%. To help parents and caregivers make sure their seats are properly installed, your Sheriff’s Office will be sponsoring a car seat clinic. Deputies and Sheriff’s Office personnel who are certified child passenger safety technicians will help you with your seats, and answer questions about safety in the car. Each seat takes approximately 20 minutes. Please read your car safety seat manual prior to the clinic! Keep it clean in 2016Clean Water Services says, “It’s a new year and another opportunity to make some changes at home—inside and out.”
eWIC Makes it Easier for Families to Get Healthful FoodThe Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties are launching a new method for families to get WIC foods. “eWIC” provides families with EBT (electronic benefit transaction) cards, replacing the paper vouchers currently used to get WIC-approved foods such as milk, eggs, produce and baby food. “The benefits of eWIC will be significant,” says Washington County WIC Supervisor Tiare Sanna. “It will greatly improve WIC participants’ shopping experience and their ability to track their monthly food balance. It will be quicker and easier for stores and cashiers, and, finally, it will allow the WIC program as a whole to better track shopping trends and should help increase program efficiency.” Participants can also download a new WICShopper smart phone app that allows them to scan an item’s bar code to determine if it is a WIC-allowed food. In 2014, approximately 200 participating grocery stores across the three counties took in more than $21 million from WIC shoppers. WIC is one of the most successful, cost-effective and important nutrition intervention programs. In addition to helping families get healthful food, WIC also offers nutrition education classes and breastfeeding support, including peer support groups for moms and their babies. WIC provides services at 14 locations throughout the tri-county area, serving more than 55,000 low-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women and their infants and children up to five years old. Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington County WIC programs all have openings for participants. For eligibility requirements or other information, contact your WIC office directly at 503-846-3555 or wic@co.washington.or.us. Washington County WIC (three locations) starts using eWIC on February 8. Flower Show SchoolMarch 29-31, Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 NW Dogwood Street Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Flower Show School, Course IV will be held in Cedar Mill this year. Register now as the class will fill up quickly. Program highlights include: March 29: Horticulture Instructor will be David Robson, Illinois. Bulbs, Collections & Displays. Snow Drops (Galanthus) and Heucheras as well. The Design Instructor will be Charlene Mutschler, Oregon. Functional and Exhibitional Table Designs- Petite, Miniature and Small Designs Lunch and snacks will be provided each day! There will be a course fee, with testing on March 31 if you wish to become a judge. One day of classes is $55, two days is $115. The exam fee for testing is included in the total cost. However, you do not have to test, come to learn! Master Gardeners can earn their credits during this course. To contact the Registrar, call Phyllis Olson at 541-467-2601 or the Chairman, Garnet Ascher at 503-292-4460.
Master Gardener Classes!February 13, 9 am-12 pm, 3850 S.W. Minter Bridge Road in Hillsboro Free pruning demonstrationThe Oregon State University Extension Washington County Master Gardener Association is hosting this demonstration in collaboration with the Tualatin Valley Garden Club. Rain or shine! Learn to prune cane berries, grapes, ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, ornamental trees, and roses. Demonstrations by experienced volunteers and professional tree pruner Bill Stone. Learn about tool care and bring two tools to be sharpened. There is no sign-up necessary! Wednesday, February 17, 9:30 am, Demonstration Garden, Washington County Fair Complex NE 28th Ave, Hillsboro Rose Pruning & Care
You will learn how to prune and care for roses and then demonstrate your knowledge by pruning the 32 roses at the demonstration garden under the tutelage of someone who has been doing this since he was six years old. If years of enthusiastic devotion to roses equates to knowledge gained, Rich Baer is definitely an expert. He has been President of the Portland Rose Society twice and has been writing the PRS newsletter, the Chatter, for 25 years. He also has degrees in botany, plant physiology and plant pathology and is terrific at answering all types of botanical questions. Attendees are encouraged to bring your own pruners and gloves. Thursday, February 25, 10-11 am, Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate, 8005 SW Grabhorn, Beaverton Growing BlueberriesThe OSU Extension Washington County Master Gardener Association invites the public to learn about growing blueberries. Who doesn’t love blueberries? Join Master Gardener Cindy Muir to learn about plant selection, soil preparation, pruning timing and techniques, bird protection, and more. 2016 Soil School: Have you got good dirt?April 16, PCC Rock Creek Soil School is a day packed full of information for small farmers, landscapers, gardeners, grounds managers and anyone else who wants to improve the health of their soil! For more information on the event, price and registration process, contact tualatinswcd@gmail.com or visit swcd.net/soil-school/. TriMet Fast Pass feedbackTriMet is making updates to their fare policy to pave the way for Hop Fastpass, their upcoming electronic fare system, and they want to make sure the process works for everyone. They held a public hearing about these updates on January 27 and they are accepting feedback online, by phone and by mail until February 16. Visit trimet.org to learn more, and click the “Share your feedback” link to voice your opinions. Abe Lincoln visits Beaverton history group
Tuesday, February 9, 7 pm, Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd. The Beaverton Historical Society presents Abraham Lincoln, as portrayed by Steven Holgate. Steve Holgate has been portraying Abraham Lincoln onstage, in classrooms and in other public venues for sixteen years. He has performed before audiences on the West Coast and Washington, DC, as well as in Mexico, Bahrain and Sri Lanka. “I think it’s important for Americans to have a real understanding of who Lincoln was and what he did,” Holgate says. “He wasn’t a statue or a saint, but a man who struggled as any of us does to find meaning in his life and work. His ability to transcend his limitations, evolve a vision for the country and unite the nation behind that vision is what makes him perhaps our most inspiring figure.” Donations are welcome at the event! For more information visit us historicbeaverton.org or call 503-430-0106 or email info@historicbeaverton.org. Hoffman Gallery and Shop @OCAC closed for renovation.We at Oregon College of Art & Craft are grateful to the Ford Family Foundation and Reser Foundation for their generous grants to renovate and improve the Hoffman Gallery. The gallery and the Shop will be closed during the renovation. We hope to be welcoming you back to enjoy the improvements in late February. Listen To Your HeartFebruary is American Heart Month, a time to learn about your risks for cardiovascular disease, and how to stay “heart healthy” for yourself and your loved ones.
Know the signs Unlike cardiac arrest that strikes suddenly and includes a loss of consciousness, a heart attack can develop slow enough that you are not aware you are having a medical emergency. Symptoms typically include:
Call 911 immediately! Don’t delay. The heart is a muscle. It can deteriorate with each passing minute you delay medical treatment. Don’t ignore your symptoms, and don’t drive yourself to the hospital. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVFR) crews often hear heart attack patients say, “I wasn’t sure it was a heart attack,” or “I didn’t want to bother anyone.” Remember, TVFR is here for you. Their highly trained firefighter paramedics can diagnose a heart attack and start treatment right away. Crews can also relay your EKG information to the hospital, enabling its staff to activate special heart teams and prepare for your arrival. Visit tvfr.com to learn more. Viva Village Sponsors Help Session on Emergency Planning for SeniorsFebruary 27, 1:30-3:30 pm, Room A of the Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th St. Disaster Readiness 101: Emergency Planning for Seniors, led by Claudia Steiner-Fricker, a volunteer outreach team leader for the Beaverton Emergency Management Department, will provide specific information on how older householders can best prepare for environmental and other hazards that have the potential to overwhelm 911 services in our area. Attendees will receive a free emergency blanket and handout materials with comprehensive instructions for developing a readiness plan. There will be ample time for questions. To RSVP, email VivaVillageOR@gmail.com, or call 503-841-2357. The public is also invited to attend these other Viva Village February events: Village 101: Introduction to Viva Village and the Village Concept on Saturday, February 13, 10:30 am-12 pm, Beaverton City Library Learn about this affordable way older adults in the Beaverton area can remain in their own homes as they age, rather than move to senior living facilities. RSVP: VivaVillageOR@gmail.com, or call 503-312-7675. Viva Village Social Time on Thursday, February 18, 6-8 pm, Giovanni’s Restaurant, Corner of Hall and Broadway. RSVP: VivaVillageOR@gmail.com, or call 503-644-7417 Monthly Trail Walk on Saturday, February 20, 1-2 pm, Dawson Creek Lakes, Hillsboro. Wheelchair and walker accessible. For more information see vivavilllage.org/calendar. RSVP at VivaVillageOR@gmail.com, Attn: Bonnie Barksdale. Auditions for “Around the World in 80 Days”Saturday February 6, 11 am –1 pm and Sunday February 7, 2 pm-4 pm, Beaverton City Library Auditorium 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton 97005 The Beaverton Civic Theatre will hold open auditions for the second show of it’s 2016 Season, Mark Brown’s “Around the World in 80 Days”. They are looking men and women of varied ages who want to exercise their comedic skills and ability to do accents as the theatre travels “around the world”. A cast of 8 will lead them through multiple roles in a witty, quick-paced and rollicking farce. Come join in the fun! No appointment is necessary. Plan to arrive at the beginning of auditions and plan to stay the entire time. There will be cold readings. Callbacks are the evening of Tuesday, February 9. Performances are April 29-May 14, 2016, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2 pm. For more questions, contact the Beaverton Civic Theatre at info@beavertoncivictheatre.org or 503-754-9866. Israeli folk dancing at Leedy Grange!Monday February 15, 7-9 pm, Leedy Grange, 835 NW Saltzman Rd. Learn and enjoy beginning and intermediate level dances brought to you by Sue and Friends the third Monday of each month for just $6 at the door. 7- 8 pm will entail beginner dances and moving into the 8-9 pm hour will be intermediate dances. For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, or email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com.
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