Library News and Events
By Dawn Anderson
The library’s Winter Reading & Arts Festival continues:
The Dragon Arts Studio Chinese Puppet Theatre
Yuqin Wang and Zhengli Xu will perform on Saturday, January 12 at 3 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Cedar Mill Community Library. No registration required. This Oregon Historical Society Folklife Program is free & open to the public and is sponsored by a grant from the Washington County Arts, Heritage & Humanities Coalition with funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Fools in Paradise
Music from Africa and beyond on Friday, January 25, 7-8 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Cedar Mill Community Library. No registration required. This program is free & open to the public and is sponsored by a grant from the Washington County Arts, Heritage & Humanities Coalition with funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust and co-sponsored by the Music Performance Fund in cooperation with Local 99, American Federation of Musicians.
Where in the World is Wiser?
Wiser, our library owl, is flying all over the world during the festival. Starting in January pick up clues at the library or on the library website to figure out his destination.
Guessing Contest for kids and adults
Test your mathematical skill by guessing the number of objects in a jar. At both libraries in January. Prizes will include local international cuisine.