If your family is tired of pizza and other fast-food or takeout options, and you’d enjoy sitting down to a good meal without a lot of hassle, Super Suppers has some really good options for you...
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association\
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 12. noon
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library
Board & Executive Committee Elections
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
When Oregon’s land use laws were established in the 1980s, legislators assumed that urban/suburban areas would be served by cities since this was established land use planning practice...
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Washington County Commissioners have begun to organize an "Urbanization Forum" to be held sometime in early 2008.
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Business Association 2008 Membership Drive
Membership in the Cedar Mill Business Association is for one calendar year, expiring in December, so everyone needs to renew now if you haven’t already done so.
Benefits include having your news published in our Member News section in this paper, getting significant discounts on advertising rates, being eligible for the Featured Business articles each month, being able to present your business information during the “Ten Minutes of Fame” segment of our monthly meetings, as well as supporting your community with our sponsored activities including the News, the Town Center banners, and more.
Use the membership form to join or renew now. If you’d prefer to pay with a credit card, you can use our online payment through PayPal at the website, cedarmill.org/CMBA. |
Starting in early February, Walker Garbage Service will be delivering new recycling rollcarts to customers...
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Our Holiday Luncheon was a great success! Around 35 people enjoyed a delicious spread...
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The library’s Winter Reading & Arts Festival continues:
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Saturday, Feb. 9, 9 am-2 pm, Westview High School, 4200 NW 185th
This local roundup makes it easy to recycle your plastics...
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Cedar Mill Chiropractic Clinic •Mike's Auto Parts • Mike Irinaga/Medicare • DaVinci Smiles * Walker Garbage * DuFresne's Automotive • Elliott Bookkeeping • Charm Somebody • Cedar Mill Bible Church • Village Gallery of Arts * Tilly's * Angelic Healing Hands
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Correction—Cedar Mill Park Trail
Last month we published information about the planned trail that will connect 97th Avenue with Cedar Mill Park and lead to Cedar Mill School. The Beaverton School District was involved in the planning of the trail and fully supports the project. They have submitted a letter of support for the State of Oregon grant proposal that Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District will be submitting for money to help pay for trail construction. We apologize for incorrectly stating that they weren’t submitting a letter of support. |
News editor loses data
In mid-October, I had a hard-drive failure that resulted in the loss of all my email records. The terrific support team at my ISP, Spire Technologies, managed to salvage the email addresses from the October News emailing, so I can send out this issue. However, all the names associated with the emails are lost. If you want to re-attach your name to your email, please sign up again at cedarmill.org/news/signup. Another consequence of this event was that I lost the name of the person who had just volunteered to help with proofreading. I could really use your help, so please contact me again. If there’s anyone else out there who’d be interested in helping research or write articles, email me. And yes, I’m backing up rigorously now! |
