Free Master Recycler Plastic Roundup
Saturday, Feb. 9, 9 am-2 pm, Westview High School, 4200 NW 185th
This local roundup makes it easy to recycle your plastics. Master Recyclers will collect it, and Agri-Plas will recycle the plastic into new products.
Please rinse and sort your plastics into the following categories before the event:
- Plastic bags
- Plant containers and trays (please knock dirt out ahead of time)
- Please rinse and separate plastics with numbers by each number separately (no styrofoam food trays even if they have a number).
- Miscellaneous plastics without numbers (Bottle caps, drink lids, DVD’s, CD’s, CD cases, straws, lawn/patio furniture, kids\’ toys (think slides!), pet igloos, laundry baskets, kiddy pools, & more. . .bring it, we’ll try to take it)
- Reusable Plastic Items—We especially love buckets! Be sure and drop by this section to see if you might find a useful item you would like to bring home.
Things we cannot accept:
No Styrofoam block, Styrofoam peanuts, Stryofoam food trays or Styrofoam egg cartons even if they have a number ; no “biodegradable” plastic or plastic that says PLA 7 on the bottom; no milk jugs; no plastic with metal inside; no VHS or cassette tapes; no PVC pipe; no small toys; no food-contaminated or dirty plastic; no plastic that contained motor oil, herbicides or pesticides (a thin layer of dried paint is okay)
For more information on what can be recycled at the roundup and how to prepare it, visit