Volume 6, Issue 11 | November 2008 |
CMBA Meeting notesThe big news to announce is that we have decided to start our meetings a little earlier from now on, at 11:45, so we can have more time to network and get lunch and introductions out of the way before we start the more-structured part of the meeting. Of course, not everyone will be able to get away from work early, but you can still come in and grab your pizza at noon if that works better for you. Membership dues for 2009 will be going up from the current $70/yr to $85/yr. Increasing activities of the group (Adopt-a-landscape, Farmer’s Market and other outreach opportunities and more) means increased costs for administration and expenses. However, have we got a deal for you! Renew your membership or join by the date of the December Holiday Party (December 9) and you will only have to pay $70! You can download the membership form as a PDF, or use our PayPal website payment after November 15 if you prefer to pay with your credit card. Visit cedarmill.org/CMBA for more information and to access the PayPal form. If you need an invoice for your membership dues, email CMBA administrator Virginia Bruce or call 503-629-5799.
At the October 14 meeting, we presented a check for $1000 to representatives of Beaverton School District’s program for homeless students. The money will go for the Birthday Club at Sunset High School. Each homeless student (currently around 100) will receive a Target gift card and a birthday card. This is often the only gift they get, and the kids really appreciate it. CMBA plans to continue to support the Sunset Birthday Club in future years. Sandy Sahagian used her “10 minutes of Fame” to tell us about her portrait photography business. She’s a third-generation photographer, and offers portraits for seniors, families, business portraits and wedding packages. She is also a highly-skilled restoration artist. She can take your damaged old family pictures and give you back images that look like they just came from the camera.
Washington County Project Managers Matt Costigan (Saltzman project) and Al Girard (Murray/Cornell project) presented information about the upcoming and already-underway road projects in Cedar Mill (see articles, page 6-7). We are getting bi-weekly “look-ahead” updates that indicate the work that will be performed on the Cornell/Murray project, and these are available in PDF form for you to download from the light-green stripe above the home page of the Cedar Mill News (cedarmill.org/news). At this month’s meeting on November 11, Cedar Mill CPA Alan Levine will clue us in on taxes: what should you be sure to take care of before year’s end for your 2008 taxes, and what to plan for in 2009. The information will be geared to both small businesses and personal taxes. Be sure to join us for that, and don’t forget to come at 11:45 if you can. As always, free pizza, bring your own beverage.
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Cedar Mill Business Association Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design |