Volume 7, Issue 5 | May 2009 |
Help design Area 93
Metro’s Urban Growth Management Function Plan requires that concept plans (general outlines of roads, areas of varying density etc) be developed for urban expansion areas, and that the plan be adopted by the governing body with jurisdiction. Work on the plan was delayed because of questions about who should be the governing authority (Multnomah County no longer provides urban services) and by who should pay the cost of completing the work. A construction excise tax was imposed to fund concept planning work in the region. The excise tax program is administered by Metro, and Multnomah County has been awarded a Metro grant to pay for the work. The governance issue is still unresolved and the concept planning effort will look at different governance and service options for facilitating urban development. Options may include future annexation to Portland with city services, annexation to Portland with services provided by districts, or service by the County and districts. Concept planning started last fall with an assessment of buildable lands that looked at development opportunities and constraints such as steep slopes, natural areas, and wetlands. This work was presented to the community at an open house in October. Work will now begin on developing diagrams to illustrate where different urban uses and densities could occur, including analysis of infrastructure needs and preliminary public service options. A three-day intensive planning session, known as a charrette, is scheduled for June 2-4 to develop a first draft of these diagrams, with the objective of creating a realistic and feasible concept plan that enjoys wide community and agency support. The charrette will involve agency staff and planning consultants working on the project during the day and three consecutive public evening sessions to actively involve the community in creating alternative development concepts for Bonny Slope West. The alternatives will be clearly articulated at the close of the charrette. Later this summer and fall, the alternatives will be further refined, with additional public comment and involvement, into a final concept plan for the area. Charrette schedule:
The evening charrette programs will be held in the dining area of the Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman. For more information, contact Derrick Tokos, Principal Planner, Multnomah County, 503-988-3043 x22682, derrick.i.tokos@co.multnomah.or.us NEWS HOME |
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