Family Fun at the Grange
For the first time in at least 20 years, Cedar Mill’s Leedy Grange is sponsoring a community event—the Strawberry Shortcake Social and Historical Photo Exhibit. The little gray building on Saltzman, just north of Cornell, was the center of social life in early Cedar Mill. Declining membership and aging members has led to the building mostly being used by others who rent its facilities, until a few new members joined and got things going again.
Strawberry shortcake will be offered in the dining room with luscious Hood berries from Townsend Farms, Bob’s Red Mill biscuits and real whipped cream from Alpenrose—a local food lover’s delight! Volunteers are needed to serve shortcakes, if you’d like to help.
Photos from the Cedar Mill History book will be on display in the main hall, with many of them enlarged courtesy of Portland Vital Signs, a company owned by one of the sons of the book’s co-author, Nancy Olson. Prints of selected photos will be on sale, with a silent auction for framed prints. Longtime Cedar Mill residents are especially invited to attend—we’d love to talk to you if you have any old photos of your own that you can share.
Bales Thriftway, the Grange's next-door neighbor, is donating the proceeds of their Saturday afternoon barbecue to the FUNraiser as well. Grab your lunch and come to the Grange for dessert!
Proceeds from the FUNraiser, will go to renovate the floors in the building. Built in the early 1900s for the Modern Woodmen, it was purchased by the Grange in 1913. It was renovated in the 1930s, and has been maintained since then, but the floors need quite a bit of work before we can have dances again.
Like Leedy, many Granges around the country have found themselves surrounded by urban development. There are not many nearby farmers, who made up the traditional Grange membership. Moving into the 21st century, support for the local food movement—farmers’ markets, local suppliers, home gardenering and food preservation—can be a way to make the Grange relevant in an urban setting. If you’re interested in local food, joining the Grange can be a way to learn and get involved. More information about Leedy Grange and the Grange organization will be available at the event, and on our new website Contact Virginia Bruce with any questions or to volunteer: or call 503-629-5799.