Volume 6, Issue 6 | June 2008 |
Library News and EventsBy Dawn Anderson Library2GoHooray! Library2Go now has downloadable videos and children's and young adult audiobooks. These materials were purchased with an LSTA grant that was awarded to the Oregon Digital Library Consortium. There are 1,934 new audiobooks for children and young adults in the collection. There are 812 new videos, 150 which are always available. More materials will be added later in the spring. See the WCCLS website at tinyurl.com/3z5473 to download digital audio book and video titles 24/7 to a PC at home, in the office or anywhere in the world. Transfer audio books to your MP3 or burn onto CD for listening on-the-go. Summer Reading for kidsCatch the Reading Bug! is the theme of our annual Summer Reading program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, school age children & teenagers. Sign-up begins on Monday, June 2. The Library is also offering a variety of fun and interesting programs for kids of all ages, all free of charge. Stop by the library or visit our website at www.cedarmill.org/library for a schedule. Hope to see you at the Library! Try Your Luck; Learn A New Skill
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