A publication of the Cedar Mill Business Association


Cedar Mill
Community Website

Cedar Mill News

Volume 2, Issue 7

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July 2004

Cedar Mill's “Growing” Businesses

Cedar Mill has been the home of a variety of retail and wholesale nurseries for many decades. Our good soil, excellent climate and proximity to transportation have made the area ideal for growing a variety of plants and flowers.

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Featured Business

Sunrise Bagels

“A lot of people come here to meet friends and clients. The location is easy to find and there’s plenty of parking. We like people to feel at home here. I know most of my regular customers by name. We try to create a friendly environment.”

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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Time: 12 noon
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library

Topic: Highway 26 Improvements

Speaker: Steve Harry, ODOT Community Affairs Manager

Join us for lunch to get the latest information about the Sunset Highway widening project

FREE lunch TBA
(bring your own beverage)

Meetings are free and open to anyone interested in
the Cedar Mill Business Community

Sunset Widening Begins near Cedar Mill

Mowat Construction of Woodinville, Washington, the contractor for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has started work on the new U.S. 26 (Sunset Highway) construction project. Crews will widen U.S. 26 to three lanes in each direction between the Highway 217 interchange and Cornell Road. The $37 million project is scheduled for completion in fall 2006. .

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Town Hall Meeting

Our State Representative Mitch Greenlick has scheduled a Town Hall discussion for July 21, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, at the library. Lane Shetterly, former state representative and currently director of Oregon’s Department of Land Conservation and Development, will focus on land use planning in Oregon.

Vandals shoot up town

On July 1 vandals used bb guns to shoot out some plate glass windows in the small shopping center at the southeast corner of Cornell and Murray. Then they came back on July 7 to finish the job. Affected businesses include David Allan Hair Styling, H&R Block, SGS Computers, and Nails Sophisticates, who had just completed a remodel. Bb’s were found on the floor but didn’t damage anything inside that business.

The sheriff’s office believes the vandals might be the same parties that shot out car windows in other areas of the county. Call the Washington County Sheriff’s Office at 503 846-2700 for information or to pass on anything you might know.

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