Temporary trail opens Bluffs Park to northern neighbors
Until recently, neighbors to the north of The Bluffs Park in Cedar Mill had no way to get to the nearby playground and natural areas. Although there was a 20-foot-wide strip of Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) property that ran along the north side of the Hideway Condominiums, few were aware that it was there, and until the latest development at the west end of Blackhawk Drive was built, accessing it involved crossing private property.
This spring, THPRD constructed a temporary chip-surface trail, connecting Blackhawk to the park. Prior to that, some people attempting to enter the park had been confronted by Hideway residents who mistakenly believed that they were trespassing.
In June, THPRD announced that they would build an additional segment of the temporary trail connecting the two segments of The Bluffs Park. With a short on-street segment, the new trail will finally offer a safe way for kids to walk to Bonny Slope School from the Ironwood neighborhood.
The Bluffs Park has been a neighborhood park in the THPRD system for over 30 years. It consists of three separate segments; one off Haskell Court, one north of South road and one south and east of South Drive (see map). An informal trail connected the two western segments for many years, but fell into disrepair and became choked by blackberries in recent years.
In 2003, a Master Plan was developed with Phase 1 calling for construction of a play area with swings and a climbing structure. A trail was improved from Haskell Court, winding through the small natural area. Funding for Phase 2, including construction of a permanent trail, landscaping and other improvements, was included in the 2008 bond measure that voters passed last November. These improvements are scheduled for Fall 2010.
Parents and neighbors have been requesting access to the Bonny Slope School trail and better access to the park, and the district has responded. The new temporary segment will consist of a set of switchbacks because the center segment of the park is fairly steep. A short walk along South Drive will then connect to the school trail (see May 2008 article).