If you like the idea of being able to email your doctor with minor medical questions, and want a traditional family practitioner, Cornell Family Medicine could be your new health care provider. ....
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Even though Washington County didn't get the state/federal pedestrian grant funds that we wrote about in November, the county is committed to completing the sidewalk...
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Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD), which owns the historic John Quincy Adams Young House in Cedar Mill, has hired local architect Brian Jackson to produce detailed drawings of the house....
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Last October, we wrote about the difficulties that property owner Richard Meyers was having in getting approval for the development of the parcel at the southwest corner of Murray and Cornell...
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Two major highway projects are underway in the vicinity of Cedar Mill. Many of us have to navigate around these projects daily...
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Our winter Yellow-rumped warblers have been amusing us with their antics at the suet feeder...
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While living in Cedar Mill in the 1990s, I became alarmed about the amount of noisy, polluting air traffic flying over my home, day and night...
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Ready to Read award; plant & pot recycling; e-reader workshop
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Last month I talked generally about how to prevent insect and disease problems in the garden. Now I am going to discuss the most common diseases in our area and some basics in how to control them....
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The February meeting of the Cedar Mill Business Association began with reports from Program Committee Chair Becky Jarvis on upcoming meeting topics...
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On February 22, the Washington County Board of Commissioners (BCC) voted 3-2 to accept a four-lane, $9.3 million design for Bethany Boulevard between Highway 26 and West Union...
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