This medical practice group, right in the heart of Cedar Mill, is a
rarity in the Portland area today – a medium-sized multi-specialty
practice that is not affiliated with a large medical group, such as the
Providence or Legacy Systems.
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Citizens’ Participation Organization 1 will meet
at 7 pm on Tuesday, May 1 at the St. Vincent’s Hospital Auditorium
in the East Annex.
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Neighborhood traffic plans, Saltzman Road widening,
Murray Boulevard project
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, May 17, noon
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library
Topic: Hiring and Retaining Good Employees
Roger Buskers, from HR Source, will help us learn to
recognize and foster talented, effective employees who will
help us grow our businesses
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free and open to
anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill
Free pizza provided, bring your own beverage

During the April CMBA meeting, Eric Jenks with Total
Merchant Concepts, Inc. presented information on credit card processing
for small businesses. More--> |
Library News & Events
Blooms for Books!
The second annual library Plant Sale will be on Saturday,
May 5 from 10 am to 2 pm in front of the library. In addition, the Village
Gallery will have garden-themed arts and crafts and artists will offer
face painting for children. Second Edition Resale Shop will have gardening
supplies, decor, pots and clothing. Present the library’s Tilly’s
gelato flyer (available at the library) when you purchase food and beverages
on May 5 and Tilly’s will donate a portion to the library. Proceeds
benefit library operations.
The Library Garden Tour is Back!
Mark your calendars! The 10th Library Garden Tour will be on
Sunday, June 10 from 1-5 pm. There are five outstanding gardens for you
to view. Activities include a raffle and a drawing for a quilt. Village
Gallery artists will be in the gardens, painting and selling their art.
Ticket sales start May 21. $10 per person. |
Does your business have an announcement that would
be of interest to our readers?
The small white saltbox-style house on Cornell, known as the JQA Young
House, was built in 1869 by the second owner of the lumber mill that gave
our community its name.
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SNEAK PREVIEW!! Check out the Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market
on May 26 from 10 am to 1 pm, where you will find fabulous flowers and
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meet the needs of some members of the growing population
of aging boomers. Touchmark is building a new 53-acre
active adult community northwest of the intersection of Miller and Barnes.
More--> |
Certified Public Accountant, Alten Sakai & Company,
Childhood ambition: Ski
Bum - goal achieved in 1975, retired in 1977

Village Gallery News & Events
Show of the Month
The theme for May is “At Play.” This all-media show runs from
May 8 to June 3. Artist of the Month
A reception for the Featured Artist for May, Terry Rohe, will
be held on Saturday, May 12 from 1-3 pm. Using folk dance as
her subject, Terry Rohe has created a series of lino-cut
prints with chine-collé.
Terry finds her inspiration through the costumes, color, shapes
and forms of the dancers.
The Village Gallery of Arts is a non-profit cooperative teaching
gallery for arts and crafts. 12505 NW Cornell Road. Next to
the Cedar Mill Community Library. 503-644-8001. www.villagegalleryarts.org |
Mill Saloon opening delayed
Oregon Restaurant Concepts’ new business in the former Tillamook Creamery
restaurant building will not be opening until June or July, according to
V.P. and Partner Doug Royce. He has suffered some recent health problems,
which is partially responsible for the delay. In addition, OLCC application
procedures are taking longer than anticipated, he says. CMBA will plan to
hold a Third Thirsty Thursday event there as soon as it’s opened! |
Washington County’s Department of Land Use and
Transportation invites interested parties to a Design Workshop
at the PCC Rock Creek campus. It will be an opportunity to
share ideas about the future of North Bethany.
More--> |
Sunset High
Band Concert, Spring Play
The Sunset High School Band Spring Concert and fundraiser will
be held on Thursday, May 3 at the school. The school’s Jazz, Concert
and Wind ensembles will all be featured. This year there will be a Silent
Auction, starting at 6:30 pm and finishing during the concert intermission.
Cheesecake and beverages will be available for sale. Proceeds from the
event will benefit the school’s band program led by Greg Hall. Free
admission, Sunset High School auditorium.
Spring Play
The drama department is presenting “A
Company of Wayward Saints,” written
in 1963 by George Herman. The play is about actors and play-making.
It is also about the stages and vicissitudes of life, the follies
of human nature, and the importance of overcoming self-centeredness
to unite in a meaningful common endeavor. The play will run
from May 17-19 in the Sunset High auditorium. Call the school
for ticket information. |

At the April Washington County Committee for Citizen
Involvement (CCI) meeting we had a presentation which
addressed the increasing needs of “Baby Boomers,” people born
between roughly 1946-1965. Every eight seconds a boomer turns 60—four
million a year. More--> |
Greenlick Town Halls
State Representative Mitch Greenlick will be having two town halls
in May:
• May 22, 7 pm at the Cedar Mill Community Library
• May 29, 7pm at the Northwest Branch of the Multnomah County Library,
2300 NW Thurman Street |
Angelic Healing Hands adds therapist
John Ramey, LMT, has joined Angelic Healing Hands
as a Massage Therapist. John provides Deep Tissue, Swedish, hot stone
and several other techniques to help people relax, recover from injuries,
and function better in their daily lives and in sports and other activities.
Angelic Healing Hands is located at 1223 NW Murray
Road, Suite 103—the office building north of McDonalds. They also
provide massage services at the Sunset Athletic Club. Call 503-644-6109
or visit them on the web at angelichealinghands.com. |
Bonus Web-only Articles |
Public invited to community
meetings to share input on proposed boundary changes
The Beaverton School District will hold several community
meetings to gather input on
proposed boundary changes for two new elementary schools slated
to open in the northern
part of the district in September 2008 and September 2009.
The public is invited to attend
any of the meetings.
The District has posted maps with the proposed boundary
changes on their website: beaverton.k12.or.us/home/district/attendance-area-information/
The schedule is as follows:
McDaniel Road/119th school, opening
September 2008:
Wednesday, May 2, 6:30 p.m., Oak Hills Elementary,
2625 NW 153rd Avenue
Friday, May 4, 1:30 p.m., West Tualatin View Elementary, 8800
SW Leahy Road
Monday, May 7, 3:15 p.m., Terra Linda Elementary, 1998 NW 143rd
Monday, May 14, 3:30 p.m., Cedar Mill Elementary, 10265 NW
Cornell Road
Tuesday, May 15, 7:00 p.m., Terra Linda Elementary, 1998 NW
143rd Avenue
Brugger/Springville Road school, opening September
Monday, May 7, 7:00 p.m., Jacob Wismer Elementary,
5477 NW Skycrest Parkway
Tuesday, May 8, 4:00 p.m., Rock Creek Elementary, 4125 NW 185th
Thursday, May 10, 6:30 p.m., Bethany Elementary, 3305 NW 174th
The timeline and process for the proposed boundary
changes are as follows:
Proposed boundary adjustments developed; schedule school/parent
community and LSC
meetings with affected schools/parents.
May 14 School Board Meeting, Meadow Park Middle School, 14100
SW Downing St.,
7:00 p.m., presentation of the proposed boundary adjustments.
June - July
District staff review of recommendations and input; refine
proposed attendance boundaries.
School Board reviews proposed boundary revisions.
September - October
District staff take proposed boundary revisions out to schools/parents.
Board discussion and provides public input opportunity.
School Board reviews and endorses attendance boundaries.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Bud Moore, Deputy Superintendent, 503-591-4395
or bud_moore@beavton.k12.or.us
Maureen Wheeler, Public Communication Officer, 503-591-4360
maureen_wheeler@beavton.k12.or.us |
Native Plant Sale
This spring use native plants to create a beautiful,
wildlife-friendly garden — the butterflies and birds will thank you!
The Audubon Society of Portland's 11th annual Native Plant Sale, featuring
over 100 native species, will take place Saturday and Sunday, May 19 and
20, from 10 am to 4 pm at 5151 NW Cornell Road. The Audubon Society will
have experienced volunteers and staff available to answer your questions
and provide assistance. Proceeds benefit local Audubon nature sanctuaries. |
Right at Home Celebrates Anniversary
Right at Home is celebrating its first year in Cedar
Mill. The company provides in-home patient care. Their clientele is typically
seniors who would rather stay in their homes than move to an assisted living
facility. Right at Home’s caregivers provide care for as little as
3 hours a day up to around-the-clock care. The company’s owner and
managing director, Rob MacNaughton, says: “We have grown rapidly
in our first year; the company now has over 70 employees.” Right
at Home is looking forward to the upcoming year; the company expects continued
rapid growth and expansion. The office is open 7 days a week and is located
at 12847 NW Cornell Road. 503-574-3674. portland.rightathome.net/ |

Time to get back on your bike, enjoy the fresh
air and have some fun! Bike to Work and School Week is May 14-18.
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