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Sunset swim team #1 again!Led by coach Adam Farber, the Sunset High School men’s swim team dove into the pool with finesse this February.... |
Jordan Woods trail opening this monthIf you’d like to get an idea of what Cedar Mill looked like before the pioneers arrived, a new trail through our beautiful natural area will open this month... |
Area 93 update, April 2 meetingOn April 2, Washington County Board Chair Andy Duyck and our County Commissioner Greg Malinowski will visit... |
Re-imagining the corner storeIf you’ve been curious about the metamorphosis of the former Bonny Slope Store at the corner of Thompson and South Road, the secret is out.... |
Library NewsSimon Benson, Innisfree concert... |
Sounds Like SpringIn the last few weeks there have been intervals of bright sun, which beckon me outside to see what is happening in the yard.... |
March Business News
Rules of the Road — Is it a crosswalk?Did you know that, under Oregon Law, there is a crosswalk at every public street intersection (three- and four-way), even if it is not marked by painted lines... |
Improving our ParksThe Parks Advisory Committee is seeking new members... |
Support the Funds for Flowers campaignThe Cedar Mill Business Association is making plans to enhance our downtown area once more with beautiful flower baskets all along Cornell Road and vicinity... |
Food and sustainabilityLeedy Grange and the Cedar Mill Library are partnering to offer a free, six-week discussion course, “Menu for the Future,”... |
March Community News
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