Angelic Healing Hands is beginning it’s tenth
year in Cedar Mill. Tucked away in the office building next
to McDonalds, on Murray north of Cornell, this business
has helped literally thousands of people to heal from injury, relax and
de-stress, and recover balance in health and life.
the story--> |
The question of how our area should best be governed
has increasingly been on the minds of both citizens and government leaders—annexation?
incorporation? stay the same?
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association\
Tuesday, October 9. noon
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library
Topic: Planning for Effective Advertising
Speaker: Rob Charlton, Charlton Engel Marketing
Free pizza, bring your own beverage
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
If you have been thinking that the effects of Measure
37 (M37) are mainly felt in rural areas and don’t affect us here
in Cedar Mill, read on. Several local landowners have filed claims that
could have a high impact on our community.
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Please plan to bring your family and friends and join
us for this fun afternoon! With food, entertainment and cider pressing,
it promises to be the local event of the fall season!
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Our guest at the September meeting of the Cedar Mill
Business Association was Bruce Wood of Foundation Real Estate Development
(FRED). He is working with Polygon to develop the 15-acre shopping center
along Barnes Road, former site of the Teufel Nursery.
Read the
story--> |
the story--> |
Mill Saloon
Many readers have been asking about the Old Mill
Saloon, in the former Tillamook Ice Creamery space on Cornell. It is owned
by Oregon Restaurant Concepts, a restaurant management company that also
runs Big Red’s
and The Yamhill Grill in Newberg.
Owners say that the project is still underway, and that they are now
thinking that it will open around the first of next year. They have not
yet submitted all the development and other applications, and the schedule
will depend on approvals from the OLCC and the county. |
Members of the Murray Road Improvement Project Advisory
Committee, along with CPO 1, are planning to request that utility companies
place their cables underground as part of the project. This was done for
the Cornell Road project, and improves both the look of the project and
the safety for pedestrians and motorists.
Read the story --> |
Pre-Paid Legal; Cedar Mill Chiropractic Clinic samples;
Bales Holiday Show; Mr. James open Mondays; October Farmers'
Market; Village Gallery Holiday Bazaar
Read the story --> |
This past June, Tim O’Donnell, 66, was stuck and
killed by a careless motorist while riding his bike with a group of friends
on a rural road in Washington County near Cornelius. This tragedy brought
increased attention to the safety of cyclists using Washington County roads.
Tim’s wife, Mary, established a memorial fund to address this problem.
Read the
story--> |
Cornell Urgent Care opens October 8th
The Cornell Urgent Care Clinic, located in the Cornell Shops at the
corner of Cornell and Dale, is opening Monday, October 8. The clinic, which
will focus on treating minor injuries and illnesses, is owned by former
emergency room physician Dr. Sejung Shin. The clinic will also offer employment
and athletic exams and will give a discount for cash payment by uninsured
patients. They will be open Monday-Friday 8 am to 8 pm, and Saturday 9
am to 3 pm. The phone number will be 503-646-8500. |

