Landscaping around business property adds so much to the visual appeal
of a community. Beighley and Associates has designed the landscapes around
many of the businesses in Cedar Mill.
the story--> |
This month’s Powers That Be article focuses
on long-range road planning for our neighborhoods. We interviewed four
of the county’s key people overseeing our area: Blair Crumpacker,
Senior Transportation Planner; Phil Healy, Senior Land Use Planner; Alexander
Sander, Senior Engineering Project Manager; and Anne Madden, Senior Program
the story --> |

Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, July 10, noon
FREE PIZZA! Bring your own beverage
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library
—- upstairs meeting room
Topic: Tax Tips for Small Business
Speaker: April Gutierrez, Pacific Northwest Tax Service
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
During the June CMBA meeting, Jim Bixler of the Oregonian
Display Advertising office gave us an overview of group advertising in
the Oregonian.
the story --> |
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District held the
first Open House for the JQA Young House Restoration and Interpretive Master
Plan on June 20. The second Open House is scheduled for July 25 from 6-8
pm at the Dryland Conference Room at the Terpenning Recreation Facility,
15707 SW Walker Rd.
Read the
story--> |
Bethany Update, Soccer Shoe Exchange
Read the story--> |
info on THPRD website |
No CPO Meetings in July/August
CPO 1 is taking a summer break. The July meeting would have been the
day before Independence Day, and the August meeting would have occurred
on National Night Out - a neighborhood public safety awareness event that
we encourage you to participate in.
If there are urgent issues that you know of that need CPO attention,
please feel free to contact us.
See you in September!
See cpo1friends.org for
more info. |
Does your business have an announcement that would
be of interest to our readers?
The 9th season of the Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market
is shaping up to be one of the best yet! On July 7 local guitarist Bob
Colwell will entertain. Don’t miss the annual Blueberry Bash on
July 14 with a visit from Ima Blueberry
Read the story --> |
Jenny Bevard, CMBA Secretary.
the story --> |
Washington County Sheriff’s detectives and deputies
arrested a suspect in the recent rash of vehicle break-ins in the Bethany,
Rock Creek, and Cedar Mill areas.
the story --> |

Village Gallery of Arts receives grant
The Village Gallery is proud to announce the award of
a Professional Development Grant from The Regional Arts and Culture Council.
The grant will fund professional production of a brochure for the gallery
and coursework for our webmaster.
Our appreciation to board member Tupper Malone for the
many hours spent researching, writing and applying for this grant. |

An emergency room board-certified physician with
nearly 15 years of experience will open an Urgent Care clinic in the Cornell
Shops building at Dale and Cornell.
Read the story--> |