When Diana Erickson was a little girl, she would hang
out with her father at his C & E Realty office on 185th Ave., back
when 185th was a two-lane country road
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I have found that one way to get to know your
neighbors is to sit on planning committees with them. I have been fortunate
to be on the Citizen Advisory Committee for the Cedar Mill Neighborhood
Traffic Management Plan that has just finished its work.
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association\
Please join us at the Cedar MIll Park Concert August
and at our next meeting on September 11
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
Bill Rawson, Cedar Mill Business Association Board President,
presented the final design for the banners that will be installed along
the story --> |
The name Murray Road serves as a reminder of one Irish
immigrant family who settled in the area.
Read the
story--> |
Visit the new library in the Bethany Village Shopping
Centre, 15320 NW Central Drive, Suite D-6. The 1,800 square foot library
includes popular books, magazines, DVDs and CDs for adults and children.
Read the story--> |
info on THPRD website |
No CPO Meetings in July/August
CPO 1 is taking a summer break. The July meeting would have been the
day before Independence Day, and the August meeting would have occurred
on National Night Out - a neighborhood public safety awareness event that
we encourage you to participate in.
If there are urgent issues that you know of that need CPO attention,
please feel free to contact us.
See you in September!
See cpo1friends.org for
more info. |
Start the presses!
The Cedar Mill Historical Society is planning to hold a community Cider
Pressing this fall on the grounds of the John Quincy Adams Young House.
It's a way to celebrate our history and use some of those apples that fall
from the many old trees that the pioneers planted around here. Community
members will be invited to bring apples and containers—now all we
need are the presses. If you know of cider presses that might be available
to borrow for the event, please let us know. Contact Virginia Bruce, 503-629-5799
/ email us .
Greenlick Town Halls
Representative Mitch Greenlick will be hosting two town halls
in the month of August to report to House District constituents
on the events of the recent legislative session.
- Monday,
August 13, 7pm
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital Auditorium
- Tuesday,
August 14, 7pm
St Vincent Hospital Souther Auditorium
Washington County invites interested parties to an Open
House on Thursday, August 9, when they will share information
and take public comments about progress in the concept planning efforts
for North Bethany.
the story -->
A good part of the fun of going to the Farmers’ Market is getting
to listen to the great live music that Market Director Dina Gross schedules
for us. What better way to start your weekend than with some hot tunes
along with your pulled pork sandwich and juicy peach.
Read the story --> |
Bales Thriftway names new director; Stockton goes east,
McCabe steps in; Edward Jones #1; WiFi Hotspot now at Safeway.
Read the story --> |
Did you know that our local rivers and streams have
fecal bacteria that exceed clean water standards? According to a recent
DNA study, dog waste alone accounts for almost 15% in some local streams.
Read the
story--> |
At a well-attended open house on July 19, residents
got their first look at the Saltzman Road Improvement Project. Maps and
charts explained the scope of the project, the expected timeline, and
the steps to reach the final design.
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The Beaverton School District invites the community
to attend two Boundary Listening Sessions in August to gather input for
proposed boundary adjustments affecting elementary and middle schools
north of Hwy. 26.
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Gallery News & Events
Weed thoughts…
The Village Gallery of Arts August show, “Reflections,” features
a group show plus featured artist Pat San Soucie.
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The OASIS Intergenerational Tutor Program pairs trained
adults, age 50 and over to work one-on-one with a young child for an hour
a week. The goal of the program is to increase reading skills and self-esteem
in first through 4th graders.
Read the story--> |