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Portland General Electric is required by Oregon’s Department of Energy to offer “equal pay.” If you request that, they are supposed to calculate your usage based on previous bills and then charge you an equal amount every month...
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The population in Washington County served by the Beaverton School District (BSD) has been growing steadily. To accommodate new residents, BSD has built a new middle school in the Timberland area of Cedar Mill. The building has been serving as a “swing school,” providing space to students whose schools are being rebuilt... Read the story--> |
No progress to report...
Still no word on a new tenant for the old Bales building. A couple of possibilities didn't come through. They would still like to include another contract Post Office it if works out.
Developers are still waiting for the last few permits to be issued before building can commence in earnest on the new Milltowner Center. |


One of the ways we are able to keep bringing you the very-local news is our team of volunteer editors. They take the raw material that’s submitted for publication each month and edit it for style and content...
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Last month we wrote about the Life Time Fitness project proposed for the southwest corner of Barnes and Cedar Hills Bl. The developers are still waiting for the Director’s Interpretation on the vesting of the Peterkort PUD.
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It seems like you can get a beer or cider on tap at any movie theater or grocery store these days, let alone one of the countless taphouses across the metro area. And yet, throughout this beer and cider boom, Cedar Mill has remained without its own dedicated taphouse...
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If you’re planning to board a plane after October 1 this year, you’ll either need a valid passport, a passport card, or a Real ID compliant Oregon drivers’ license...
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North South is a non-profit organization that coordinates practice-sessions and contests in multiple subjects for students in grades 1-12, and also helps raise money for underprivileged students in India...
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It may still be winter, but gardeners know that it’s not too early to begin to plan and learn new skills. Plant sales in March and April offer the chance to add natives to your landscape, to reduce the use of chemicals, support essential pollinators, and create habitat for birds and other native insects and animals...
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The Housing Authority of Washington County (HAWC) will accept applications for the Public Housing program between February 10 and February 24, 2020. HAWC is funded through the Federal office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and administers several housing assistance programs that help low-income households secure decent, safe and affordable housing in Washington County...
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©2020 The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by
The Cedar Mill News LLC
3270 NW Kinsley Terrace
Portland, OR 97229
Copy Editor: John Ramey
Managing Editor: Genevieve Coblentz
Community and Business News Editor: Cami Villanueva
Publisher/Editor: Virginia Bruce
Website Production: Georgia Stanley
Paper distribution:
Mark Lewis
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