A publication of the Cedar Mill Business Association


Cedar Mill
Community Website

Cedar Mill News

Volume 3, Issue 7

Printable (PDF) Version

July 2005

Cedar Mill News
Advertising Rates & Schedule


Featured Business
Randall Freed, DMD

Some lucky people figure out what they want to do early in life. Such was the case with Randy Freed, who has a practice on Cornell.

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History in the News
Union Cemetery of Cedar Mill

Traveling NW 143rd you may notice a peaceful plot of land behind a tall row of evergreens between Cornell and Burton on the west side of the road. It is one of a few remaining historic sites of the Cedar Mill community, the Union Cemetery of Cedar Mill.

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Car hits bakery

Around 9 pm on Wednesday July 6, 27-year-old Mandie Humphreys pulled her 2005 Ford Mustang out of the Plaid Pantry lot at a high rate of speed heading south on Murray, nearly hit another car traveling northbound, lost control and smashed into the front of Sunset Bakery, across Murray from the convenience store.

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Cedar Mill Talent Contest

Do you have musical talent? Do you live in Cedar Mill? Then enter the First Annual Cedar Mill Talent Contest! Winners will perform at the Farmers’ Market during September 2005.


Writers and reporters wanted

Got an urge to write, or just want to find out more about what’s going on around Cedar Mill? The News wants you! Volunteer assignments are available for people interested in writing about almost anything as long as it’s happening in Cedar Mill. One-time or regular contributions are both welcome, so if you have a topic you think would be of interest to your neighbors please let us know. If you’re not sure of your writing skills, but want to report on local issues or organizations, your help is wanted too. Email access preferred but not essential. Contact Virginia Bruce: email us or call 503-629-5799.

Cedar Mill News Subject Index

Over the two-and-a-half years that the Cedar Mill News has been published, we’ve covered a lot of topics, from history to business to nature – all focused on our little community. To help you catch up on topics of interest, we just completed a Subject Index on the Cedar Mill website: cedarmill.com/news/subject-index.htm

Each link leads to the full story on the website, complete with all graphics and often showing larger photographs than in the printed version.

Topics include: History in the News, The Nature of Cedar Mill, Town Center, Annexation, Development and much more. So if you’ve missed an issue or two, visit the site and read up on Cedar Mill.


Walmart submits plans

On July 1, just before the long holiday weekend, Walmart filed its formal application to build a 152,000 square foot store at the southwest corner of Cedar Hills Boulevard and Barnes Road.


Time to Renew your Cedar Mill Business Association membership

Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
4 pm

Place: Cedar Mill Community Library

Topic: Surviving the Cornell Road Project
Round Table Discussion

Join us to share problems and solutions
and find out what to expect in the near and further future

Meetings open to all interested in Cedar Mill Business

Cedar Mill Community Calendar

July 15 & 22   Fridays in the Park with Ivy - natural area restoration work party, 9-noon, Cedar Mill Park, 10385 NW Cornell - call 503-629-5799 for more info

July 19   Cedar Mill Business Association, 4 pm Cedar Mill Library

July 19   Highway 217 Meeting - 7 pm Beaverton City Hall

August 2 Cedar Mill Park Concert, 6-8:30 pm

Cedar Mill Park Concert

Make your plans now to meet friends and family at the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) Concert in the Park at Cedar Mill Park, Tuesday evening, August 2 from 6-8:30 pm.

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'Round the Town

What changes are occuring around Cedar Mill? Find out in this collection of short items...

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by email each month

Visit our Subject Index to view
past articles

For more information contact Virginia Bruce • vrb@teamweb.com or 503-629-5799