Did you resolve to get more organized this year? If so you’re not alone, it’s among the top five most common New Year’s resolutions.
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, January 12
Pizza & networking 11:45, program noon-1 pm
Place: Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman
Topic: CMBA Activities, Past & Future
Speakers: CMBA committee chairs
FREE pizza, bring your own beverage
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
Cedar Mill Community Library is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. When a 7-11 vacated its space on 107th near Cornell in the fall of 1974, community residents came together with the idea of starting a library there... Read
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The long-anticipated widening of Bethany Boulevard from Highway 26 to West Union is now in the active planning stage.
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Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) has been working to connect residents to natural areas and destinations by creating trails throughout the district...
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Many birds that breed in the northern parts of Canada and Alaska find our winters to be “balmy” even with the occasional weeks of very cold temperatures we have had in the past few winters...
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Permaculture is often thought of as being a method of gardening, but since it was conceived, it has evolved to encompass a way of thinking about and designing sustainable lifestyles...
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If you wondered what was going on along Cornell Road in front of the John Quincy Adams Young House one cold afternoon in November, it was the Cedar Mill Garden Club preparing the soil for a wildflower planting next to the sidewalk...
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The December meeting for the CMBA wasn’t a meeting at all, but a Holiday Social held at the Sunset Athletic Club, and a good time was had by all!..
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Winter Reading & Arts Festival, Teen Music
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Just as Winter Break is ending for Sunset High students, basketball games and wrestling tournaments are getting more intense. The break didn’t stop these teams from working hard and practicing for hours on end from eight in the morning...
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The Oregonian used to provide plenty of local news, with a separate West Metro edition and several top reporters covering Washington County affairs. Progressive cuts over the last couple of years have eroded that coverage. So now there’s even more reason to support your local Cedar Mill News.
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