Sam Bosch is an idea man. Restless, bright and ambitious at 76, he still leads the company he founded in 1982, that has just launched a new cash management product and promises another breakthrough development later this year....
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Those who have been around Cedar Mill for a while will remember this store that used to be in the shopping center at the northwest corner of Murray and Cornell. Marv and Marilyn Schlabs ran the business from 1973...
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Join your friends and neighbors for a great breakfast and some old-time entertainment on Saturday, February 19 at the Leedy Grange Hall, 8 am to 1 pm...
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At one time, Washington County's roads were the object of citizen complaints, jokes and derision...
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Although we didn't get the grant, work will continue and the sidewalk will be built...
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Until now, citizens have been frustrated by legal restrictions that prevented deputies from resolving many irritating parking problems...
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A couple of years ago, a group of CPO 1 members got together to try to improve connections for people who wanted to travel around our area without cars. ..
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The Audubon sponsors annual bird counts at different points during the year, the most famous possibly being the Christmas bird count...
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The Peterkort family property in Cedar Mill stretches from just west of St. Vincent's Hospital, along both sides of Barnes Road to just past Cedar Hills Blvd. Originally agricultural, the family found their land under increasing pressure...
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The January meeting of the Cedar Mill Business Association was very well attended, with nearly 40 members and guests on hand to eat pizza and get an update...
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Deep Green movie; Second Edition Sale; Volunteer Opportunities...
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Many people have been curious about the progress on the Hagg Lake Dam construction, formally called the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project...
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The first line of defense against pest and disease problems in the garden is prevention...
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The key to controlling aggressive invasive plants, such as garlic mustard, is to attack infestations early this spring before the plants have a chance to go to seed!
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Barry has worked in the restaurant business since he began waiting tables in college...
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