Many local businesses have been discovering the Cedar Mill Business Association lately, and we wanted to introduce them to the community....
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, April 13
Pizza & networking 11:45, program noon-1 pm
Place: Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman
Topic: Saltzman Road Project Update
Speaker: Matt Costigan, Washington County Project Manager
FREE pizza, bring your own beverage
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
Do you enjoy board games? How about cheap dates? If you could use a little brain exercise, a fun evening out with the family, or a little something to satisfy your competitive nature, join your friends and neighbors for Game Night on the third Friday of every month, 6:30-10 pm at the Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman, next to the Saltzman entrance to Bales Thriftway....
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At our March meeting, A City By Choice heard guest speakers from two informative entities: law firm Jordan Schrader Ramis and the League of Oregon Cities....
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With campaigns underway for two Washington County Commissioner district seats (our District 2 and District 4 to the west) and the County Chair, it’s a good time to examine the areas of responsibility of this important body...
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It’s been many months since you had a delicious, locally grown strawberry, but hang in there and you will soon find these jewels, along with other early-season favorites such as Jason’s Asparagus and the winter/spring produce of Green Acres Farm of Canby...
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One of our earliest spring migrants is the Violet-green Swallow who swoops over many of the ponds in our area....
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Whether you have acreage or a small yard you can grow your own food. You can incorporate as many design elements into your system as you feel are necessary and practical for your space....
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Leedy Grange will offer a free, six-week discussion course, “Menu for the Future,” at the Grange Hall starting May 3...
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The Cedar Mill Business Association (CMBA) is realizing a long-held goal of providing flower baskets and banners for our downtown area along Cornell Road...
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Tarzan was always happy to get a friendly pat as he lived his long life at the Pet Barn...
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The Oregonian used to provide plenty of local news, with a separate West Metro edition and several top reporters covering Washington County affairs. Progressive cuts over the last couple of years have eroded that coverage. So now there’s even more reason to support your local Cedar Mill News.
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