One of the benefits of membership in the Cedar Mill Business Association
(CMBA) is eligibility for your business to be the Featured Business in
this column.
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SHS Productions will perform the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic at
7:30 pm, March 8, 9,10, 15, 16, 17. Reserved seats: $10 adults, $7 students/seniors,
$6 SHS students with ASB sticker. For tickets call: 503-259-5076 or visit www.SunsetOnStage.com.
SHS auditorium, 13840 NW Cornell Rd. |
Probably one of the first bird sounds many of us were able to identify
as children was the knocking of a woodpecker in a nearby forest.
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Does your business have an announcement that would
be of interest to our readers?
The Cedar Mill pioneers, like other frontier settlers,
were isolated and largely unenlightened by modern science.
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The Oregon Department of Transportation is in the final
design phase of a $34 million highway modernization project on OR 217
from TV Highway to U.S. 26 (Sunset Highway). Construction is slated to
begin on this project in summer 2007 and will include the following elements:
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The topic of annexation continues to be in the news.
This is always of interest to us here in Cedar Mill, since most of the
community is unincorporated Washington County, and we’ve been told
that we’re in the long-term sights of Beaverton.
by John Leeper |
Representative Mitch Greenlick, with others, has sponsored
House Bill 2638, which proposes to modify Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
requirements and procedures for a city to annex territory surrounded by
a city (Island Annexation).
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The intersection improvements at the corner of Cedar
Hills Boulevard and Barnes Road are finally back on track after a short
delay rumored to be caused by delays in the manufacture of the signal
The abandoned and partially demolished structure on
113th just south of Harmony Lane should be cleaned up soon, according
to Washington County Code Enforcement Officer Marshall Decker.
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for Peace”
Art Event
Open-mike Poetry Reading: You are invited
to read your favorite prose and poetry relating to peace and non-violence.
Come and enjoy the poetry and refreshments and Native American flute music.
You could win the door prize – a handmade Native American flute
and DVD. We Search for Peace in our Hearts, Peace in our Families, Peace
in the World. Saturday, 3/10, 7 pm. Free and open to the public. St Pius
X Community Center, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd. |

Next Meeting
Tuesday, March 20, noon
Topic: How the Small Business Administration Can Help your
Also, CMBA President Bill Rawson presents concepts for Cedar
Mill Identity Banners
Place: Cedar Mill Community Library Community Room
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free and open to
anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill

Cedar Mill’s Harmony School will be performing
an original work called “Duck Lake”
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Spring Break Performing Camp
At the Harmony School Spring Break Performing Camp,
boys and girls ages 5 to 16 will explore a multitude of dance styles from
Ballet to Flamenco, learn costuming, choreography and playwriting. Camp
theme and story line will be written by the camp students. There will
be an in-studio performance for family and friends at the end of camp.
3/26 to 3/30, 10 am-2 pm. Register by 3/15. 12849 NW Cornell Rd. 503-626-0166. www.theharmonyschool.org. |
