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Barbara Getty started teaching third grade at Sunset Valley Elementary in 1959. The school, which replaced the old two-room Union School House, was located on Murray Road more or less where Home Depot is now, and served students from first to eighth grade...
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Filbert sidewalk project chosen for future construction;
NW Cornelius Pass Road will open October 18; ...
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Sunset Apollo Marching Band and Auxiliary (SAMBA) is Sunset High School’s competitive marching band and colorguard sports team. Founded in 1987, Sunset’s band has performed in various competitions...
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CPO 1 October meeting;
Ordinance updates;
First and Last Mile Community Summit;
Stephen Roberts appointed director of Land Use & Transportation;
Neighborhood Meetings...
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Most Cedar Mill voters will have only one choice to make on the ballot that will arrive mid-October. Metro is asking for us to consider a $475 million property tax measure that, if passed, would be used to purchase land, restore fish and wildlife habitat, and complete trails through Metro’s parks and nature system...
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Life Time Fitness development appealed to state board;
Milltowner Shopping Center update;
Cedar Hills Shopping Center redevelopment;
Nike construction noise...
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Dozens of people were commenting recently on local social media pages that their water bills seemed to be very high. People who had relocated from other parts of the country couldn’t understand why water is so expensive here in the wet northwest...
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Cedar Hills Park Grand Re-Opening;
Fall Festival;
Community Members Invited to Apply for THPRD Advisory Committees and Budget Committee...
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Many public agencies ask for public feedback on their projects and proposals. You may wonder why you should take time to answer surveys, participate in online “open houses,” and write to elected officials...
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©2019 The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by
The Cedar Mill News LLC
PO Box 91061
Portland, OR 97291
Copy Editor: John Ramey
Managing Editor: Genevieve Coblentz
Community and Business News Editors: Cami Villanueva, Auveen Hajar, and Shawna Muckle
Publisher/Editor: Virginia Bruce
Website Production: Georgia Stanley
Paper distribution:
Mark Lewis
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800 printed copies are distributed throughout the
Cedar Mill area.
Printing courtesy of Pacific Office Automation.
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