Vahan Dinihanian and his sister, Lillian Dinihanian Logan, have been running Dinihanian Floral Products for 27 years, taking over the business from their father...
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, July 14
11:45 am networking & lunch; program noon-1 pm
Place: Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman
Topic: Saltzman Road Project
Speaker: Matt Costigan, Washington County Project Mgr.
Free Pizza, bring your own beverage
The Cedar MIll Business Association's meetings are free
and open to anyone interested in business in Cedar Mill |
The modest white “saltbox-style” house on Cornell near 119th is the most tangible reminder in our community of the life of a remarkable man...
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People often ask when the historic John Quincy Adams Young House, on Cornell just west of 119th, will be open to the public. The answer is both simple and difficult...
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Plans are complete and a contractor has been hired to begin the project to widen Saltzman Road. ...
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Our Blueberry Bash is too much fun for just one Saturday, so we’re celebrating it on two market dates this year: July 11 AND July 18...
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Land use issues (new developments, infill, transportation planning, sidewalks/lack of, etc.) overtly impact the daily lives of people, so they are the most visible county services to the largest number of people...
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A Child’s Way Kindergarten-Preschool has been a fixture in the Cedar Mill neighborhood for 28 years....
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Until recently, neighbors to the north of The Bluffs Park in Cedar Mill had no way to get to the nearby playground and natural areas...
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Just up the hill on Barnes from St. Vincent’s Hospital, Oregon College of Art and Craft (OCAC) nestles in a wooded 9.5-acre campus, serving over 2,500 children and adults annually through degree and community programs. It’s sometimes called the best-kept secret on the Washington County cultural scene...
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The Oregonian used to provide plenty of local news, with a separate West Metro edition and several top reporters covering Washington County affairs. Progressive cuts over the last couple of years have eroded that coverage. So now there’s even more reason to support your local Cedar Mill News.
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