Garden & Nature News March 2025

- Treekeepers of Washington County programs
- Spring Native Sale at nature center
- Skyline Grange native plant and bareroot tree sale
- Washington County Master Gardener Association events
- Save the Date for GardenFest!
Treekeepers of Washington County programs

We work to protect and advocate for trees in urban unincorporated Washington County. Don’t miss our upcoming events! All of them are free. Visit the Treekeepers website to learn more.
Tree Walk: Fernhill Wetlands
Saturday, March 8, 10 am-12 pm, exact location after registration, registration form, free
Fernhill Wetlands is a perfect place to enjoy both trees and birds. Bring your binoculars to this 1.1-mile walk, as the area is home to nearly 200 species of birds and is known as a premier bird-watching spot in Oregon. Transformed in 2006 from standard wastewater treatment ponds, it is now a welcoming habitat for wildlife that also filters wastewater. Designed by a renowned landscape architect, the native plantings create several habitats: marsh, forested wetland, riparian wetland, and scrub shrub. You are welcome to join us for an optional lunch following the walk at McMenamins Grand Lodge in Forest Grove.
Join Our On-call Ivy Crew
October-March, registration form, free
English ivy hangs on through winter at a time trees are particularly vulnerable, as the invasive vines keep growing while trees are dormant. The excess weight can increase risks for trees during winter storms. Help us save trees by removing ivy and other invasive plants that threaten them. Weather makes it hard to schedule events, so please sign up and we’ll notify you when there is a good weather window so we can schedule an ivy pulling event.
Spring Native Sale at nature center
Order plants now through Sunday, March 30, $30 order minimum to pre-order
Friends of Tualatin Hills Nature Park and Tualatin Hills Nature Center are hosting the Spring Native Plant Sale in partnership with Sparrowhawk Native Plants. Thousands of habitat friendly native plants are available as well as information about the benefits of native plants. Be sure to complete your order before midnight while supplies last. Please visit the event website for more information about ordering and picking up orders in May. You can learn more on the Sparrowhawk Native Plants website.

Preordering is required. First, you select from 115 species of premium-quality native plants. These climate-resilient plants will enhance your garden, allowing it to best support pollinators and wildlife. Then, at check-out, select to pick-up your order at the Tualatin Hills Nature Center, on May 9 or 10. Lastly, visit the Tualatin Hills Nature Center at 15655 SW Millikan Way to pick up your plants!
The plant sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Tualatin Hills Nature Park. Proceeds from the sale go toward future Nature Park improvements and environmental education programs. The Tualatin Hills Nature Park is a 222-acre wildlife reserve nestled in the heart of Beaverton.
Skyline Grange native plant and bareroot tree sale
Friday-Saturday, April 4-5, 9 am-5 pm, 11275 NW Skyline Bl.

Optional Pre-order by March 23
Native Plant Section has over 90 species of native wildflowers and shrubs including native plants that thrive in sunny, shady, wet, or dry locations. These plants are good for erosion control, beneficial for birds, bees, and other wildlife. Each species has an informative display sign.
Download Pre-Order Form and Plant Descriptions or request it by emailing Native Pre-Order Forms must be returned by 5 pm on Saturday, March 23.
Bareroot Section includes a good selection of bareroot fruit-bearing, shade, flowering, and ornamental trees and ornamental shrubs. Most of these bareroot trees and shrubs are not true PNW “natives,” but they have been selected for their compatibility to thrive in our area without out-competing with plants in our local native habitat. Not available as pre-orders, no cane berries this year.
General Info: Resources, information, & handouts. Lists of native plants benefiting pollinating insects, bees, hummingbirds/birds, erosion control, sunny locations, shady locations. Handouts of care of bareroot trees, proper planting techniques. Display of noxious weeds and other weeds of concern.
All plants are from licensed local nurseries. Both quality and quantity at good prices. Grange has a Temporary Nursery Sale license from Oregon Dept. of Agriculture. All proceeds will go to Skyline Grange’s Capital Improvement Fund.
Questions or to volunteer email
Washington County Master Gardener Association events
There are ample opportunities to advance your gardening knowledge and skills right here in Washington County. OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers and the Washington County Master Gardener Association (WCMGA) offer a lineup of classes, lectures and family friendly events year round. All events and details can be found on the WCMGA events calendar.
Webinar: Emerald Ash Borer—Managing a New Threat to Oregon’s Trees
Tuesday, March 4, 7-8 pm, Zoom link to register, free

Join the Washington County Master Gardener Association and Lilah Gonen of the Oregon Department of Forestry, Urban & Community Forestry Program for a webinar on management strategies for Emerald Ash Borer. Emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis) is an invasive and highly destructive wood-boring beetle that infests and kills ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). EAB was first found in Michigan in 2002 and quickly spread across North America, killing hundreds of millions of native and planted ash trees. Ash trees are common in both urban and natural environments in Oregon. This presentation will provide 1) an overview of EAB and ash biology, 2) updates to the State of Oregon’s ongoing EAB survey, management, and communication strategies, and 3) planning and management strategies for EAB in both urban and natural areas. Please visit the event page for more information.
Gardening With Pacific Northwest Native Plants
Saturday, March 22, 10 am-12 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus, Building 4 (Room 103) and WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd., Portland, no registration required, free
Join the Washington County Master Gardener Association to learn about the native plants that thrive in the PNW garden, how to naturescape in support of wildlife and pollinators, and consider the possibilities the Backyard Habitat Certification Program offers through its customized yard assessment. Please visit the event page for more information.
Perennials: How to Choose, Plant, and Maintain for Year-Round Flowers
Saturday, March 29, 10 am-12 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus, Building 7 (Room 105) and WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd., Portland, no registration required, free
This class will discuss different types of perennials and focus on long-blooming varieties. We will discuss how to best care for them in terms of planting, pruning, fertilizing, pest control, and general maintenance, plus tips to extend blooming time for year-round color. Led by Lisa Graff, OSU Ext. Master Gardener Volunteer and owner of Lux Perennials Nursery. Please visit the event page for more information. For information and maps to our gardens, please visit our WCMGA gardens page.
Webinar: Oregon Odonata—The Dragonflies & Damselflies Around Us
Tuesday, April 1, 7-8 pm, advanced registration required, free
Learn about dragonflies and damselflies featuring taxonomy & brief history, Oregon species & portraits, life cycle, habitat & diet, amazing attributes, finding dragons, inviting odonates to your garden, and other helpful resources. Please check for the registration link that will be available at the event page closer to the date.
Save the Date for GardenFest!
Saturday, May 3, 9-1, PCC Rock Creek campus
The Garden Fest Plant Sale will return in May. More details will be available soon.