COVID-19 in Washington County

According to Wendy Gordon, Lead Public Information Officer, Washington County Emergency Operations Center, Washington County will follow the governor’s plan on when and how to reopen. On April 14, Brown’s office introduced a “Framework for Reopening Oregon” that outlines the prerequisites for the safe way to move forward.
On the May ballot
by Shawna Muckle, CMN intern Would you like to know more about the choices on the ballot for the upcoming May 19 election? Here are some of the critical bonds, primary elections, and charter amendments to carefully weigh your vote for: Metro Housing Services Bond: Summary: As many voters will likely recall, in 2018, voters
CPO News

We don’t have an exact schedule yet, but we’ll have information on a sidewalk project near Bonny Slope Elementary that will improve Safe Routes to School; updates on several development proposals for the area; a presentation on the Thompson Road project; and a chance to hear from our Public Safety providers.
Gardening & Environment
Road News
Unsung heroes, these days and always! Walker Garbage and COVID-19
Deputy Spotlight
Behavioral Health Resources
In these challenging times, you may be experiencing new mental health challenges or have increased difficulties managing an existing illness. Many of the support meetings normally held face-to-face are postponed. There are online resources to help anyone who needs new or added support at this time. Oregon Recovery Network: Online directory for a variety of
Helpers making a difference
Recycling during the COVID-19 crisis
Cedar Mill News News
One of our diligent volunteer editors, Anne Lawrence, has updated and expanded this section of the website with loads of useful information for when you need to find an expert or an agency to help with a problem.
Neighbors share personal COVID-19 experiences
My wife and I ran low-grade fevers and had worse-than-expected chills and aches based on how low the temps were. We ran fevers for ten days. Exhaustion was major; we slept as much as our parenting of four children would allow, and still were extremely tired!
History in the News
Job 1 is a plan to mobilize still more community support. We’ll be launching Friends of Cedar Mill History, our membership program, in the coming weeks. The goal? With your help in the form of membership dues, we intend to build a virtual museum over the next few months.
2020 Senior blues
Community News May 2020
Business News May 2020

The Cedar Mill Farmers Market opens! Sana Reiki offers remote Reiki sessions Bethany Family Pet Clinic update Habitat for Humanity ReStore is online Stride Strong Physical Therapy offers a free workout video Cedar Mill Business Association News The Wine Cellar has options for your Happy Hour The Village Gallery keeps the art available Grand Central