Cedar Mill News election endorsements
After listening to the candidates and spokespeople for the measures at our October CPO 1 meeting, and reading and reflecting on the literature, here are my views on the local, regional, and state choices on the November 3 election.
Election security in Washington County
October 2020 Road News
Heritage trees at JQA Young House
November 2020 Election notes
Cedar Mill News has compiled information on key measures and positions on the 2020 general ballot for those in the Cedar Mill area.
Saltzman project update
THPRD proposes pedestrian bridge to cross Highway 26, link segments of Westside Trail
OHS and Immigrant Story collaborate to share immigrant experiences
The Oregon Historical Society (OHS) and The Immigrant Story (TIS) are proud to announce that a series of oral history interviews with local immigrants are now publicly available through the OHS Digital Collections website.
Business News October 2020
Community News October 2020

Cedar Mill Elementary Chipotle Fundraiser
Drive-thru COVID-19 and flu testing site at Convention Center
Washington County Forum
Inside WashCo Radio
Writer’s Mill
Beaverton & Merlo Station School-Based Health Centers are open
Viva Village calendar of events
“Beyond Voting: Elections and Campaign Financing” workshop
The Constitution: Fulfilling Democracy’s Promise?
PDX Concierge
Musical Benches
THPRD resumes opening
Westview Red Cross Blood Drive
Naturescaping Workshops online
Washington County Democrats
TVF&R Seeks Chief Examiner for Civil Service Commission