Saltzman project update

NOTE: meeting date changed to October 22, 5:30-7 pm
Visit the County web page for more information
A public involvement process is underway to collect community opinions on the proposed alternatives for improving the north end of Saltzman, between Bayonne at the top of the ridge, to Laidlaw.

During the second meeting of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) we learned more about the two alignments and the consequences of each on the neighboring homes and the environment. There is about a 100 ft. drop in elevation for each alternative. The proposed eastern route would be similar to the existing alignment, crossing Ward Creek with a new wildlife-friendly culvert, while the western plan would require a bridgs to cross Bronson Creek and the associated flood plain.

The cost estimates continue to be refined, with the eastern proposal costing around $10.6 million, and the western proposal coming in around $21 million. The county has said, “It’s likely that both alignments will need additional revenue funding. Likely funding sources could include future MSTIP or TDT funding, but as you know the need far outweighs the available funding!”
County Engineer Ben Lively addressed the alternative bridge construction proposed by Bethany Neighborhood Coalition, He said the firm that builds the modular, engineered bridge wouldn’t be able to make something wide enough, but many people suggested that the old alignment could handle pedestrian and bike traffic, and no turn lanes would be required on the bridge, so that question is still open. That method would be cheaper than a site-built bridge.
One reason that many of the committee members, and several of the people attending as guests, prefer the western alignment is that it will line up with 130th to the north of Laidlaw. CPO 7 members pushed to ensure a path for a collector to the north was in place prior to the homes built north of Laidlaw.
It’s almost inevitable that Multnomah County, north of the county line, will be developed at some point in the future, and to ignore a potential direct connection of Springville to Saltzman with an offset is not a long-term solution. Several neighbors in Bethany Ridge object to the western alignment because of traffic concerns, but the future of 130th as a collector has been on the books since 2004.
The group heard from the owner of Blueberry Hollow, the small farm at the corner of Laidlaw and Saltzman. She mentioned that her business and her farm would be severely impacted by the eastern alignment. Her property is currently up for sale and a developer had made an offer, but it has been withdrawn.
It is also clear from the more-detailed drawings provided at this meeting that the house on the east side of Saltzman, near Bayonne, would have to be demolished to make way for the eastern route.
Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation owns property on both sides of Saltzman. While a THPRD person is on the committee, we haven’t heard much about their position.
Additional meetings and topics will be on Thursday, October 22: Review the draft Alternative Evaluation Memo; and Wednesday, November 4: Make a recommendation for Alternative to forward to the Board of Commissioners. There is time allotted for public comments, so please plan to zoom in to learn more. Visit the Washington County page for zoom links, meeting summaries, and more information. Public comments can also be submitted directly to Washington County staff: