Community News October 2020

- Cedar Mill Elementary Chipotle Fundraiser
- Drive-thru COVID-19 and flu testing site at Convention Center
- Washington County Forum
- Inside WashCo Radio
- Writer’s Mill
- Beaverton & Merlo Station School-Based Health Centers are open
- Viva Village calendar of events
- “Beyond Voting: Elections and Campaign Financing” workshop
- The Constitution: Fulfilling Democracy’s Promise?
- PDX Concierge
- Musical Benches
- THPRD resumes opening
- Westview Red Cross Blood Drive
- Naturescaping Workshops online
- Washington County Democrats
- TVF&R Seeks Chief Examiner for Civil Service Commission
Cedar Mill Elementary Chipotle Fundraiser

Monday, October 5, 4-8 pm
Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support Cedar Mill PTC. Tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to Cedar Mill PTC.
NEW! Order online for pick-up—use code 969PRAX before checkout in ‘promo’ field. Orders placed on or through the Chipotle app for pickup using this unique code will be counted towards the fundraiser.
Drive-thru COVID-19 and flu testing site at Convention Center
Monday 11 am-6 pm; Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-4 pm; Friday 7:30 am-2:30 pm
The COVID-19 testing facility previously hosted by the Portland Expo Center moved to the Oregon Convention Center in late September.
Oregon Health & Science University’s mobile testing sites currently offer COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals, without appointment or referral, who meet current criteria.
Because those criteria are subject to change, based on the latest guidance from the Oregon Health Authority and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people are encouraged to visit OHSU’s coronavirus resource website for eligibility and other resources and information related to OHSU’s COVID-19 response. Those who have specific questions can call the hotline at 1-833-647-8222.
OHSU is planning to add influenza testing and vaccinations to the services provided at the Oregon Convention Center in the near future. Please visit OHSU’s website for more information.
Washington County Forum
Join us at “Virtually” at the Washington County Public Affairs Forum! As we all do what we can to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Forum will begin its 2020-21 season with important local political debates leading to the November election. You can obtain the Zoom link to join these free events by visiting the Forum website at
Monday, October 5, 7-8 pm
Debate for Oregon Secretary of State (Co-hosted by the League of Women Voters)
State Senator Kim Thatcher, State Senator Shemia Fagan and Nathalie Paravicini will challenge each other and share their visions for the future of Oregon.
Monday, October 12, 12-1 pm
Beaverton City Council Position #1 Debate
Candidates for the Beaverton City Council will present their vision for the city and region.
Monday, October 19, 12-1 pm
Hillsboro City Council Ward #3 Debate
Candidates for the Hillsboro City Council will present their vision for the city and region.
Inside WashCo Radio
Weekly broadcasts on KBOO 90.7 FM and KUIK 1360 AM
Monday, October 5, Vision Action Network with Glenn Montgomery
Monday, October 12, Measure 110 – Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative
Monday, October 19, Encore: Mayor Jason Snider
Monday, October 26, Beaverton Mayor Election campaign
Each program is released on Monday on our site, and to our subscribers. All programs are available through podcast subscription, or direct on the website. For more information, visit
Musical Benches

Tualatin Valley Creates (TVC), Washington County Oregon’s leading arts service organization, is working to grow the region’s public art portfolio with a delightful new twist—music-making seating—literally benches that can make musical sounds! Thanks to the support of County Commissioners, TVC was awarded capital funds in early 2020 to commission four new works in what is being called a “Musical Benches Public Art Collection.” TVC worked closely with regional stakeholders including Beaverton Downtown Association, Tigard Downtown Alliance, Forest Grove Art Commission, and Ackerly at Timberland to develop the scope of this collection.
The premise behind the new works are that they are “functional art” that is dynamic, unique, engaging and, as the title suggests, people can sit on them and make musical sounds too. 15 artists submitted proposals. The review panel, comprised of representatives from the four districts where the artwork will be installed (Beaverton, Tigard, Forest Grove, and Cedar Mill) paid special attention to the manner in which the bench would actually be “played” on; whether plunked, bonked, and/or cranked. The panelists remarked that they wanted each design to be clearly distinct from others.
TVC is excited to announce that selected Oregon-based artists Jill Torberson, Ben Dye, Jud Turner, and Matt Burney will be fabricating their individual designs over the coming weeks. Installations of the new artwork, including pictures and physical locations will be announced on TVC’s website and through social media @tvcreates. Contact Tualatin Valley Creates at 503-567-1713 or to learn more, and visit our website to learn what we do!
Writer’s Mill
Sunday, October 18, 1-3 pm, via Zoom
Cedar Mill Writers’ Mill is continuing to zoom into monthly meetings. This month we’ll be joined by Joe Biel from Microcosm Publishing, who will introduce us to the small publisher worldview. Whether you’re writing for fun, family, or profit, this will be your chance to get the inside track on how to write well and present your writing well. Everyone is welcome.
Email or contact the librarian at Cedar Mill library for more information (including a zoom link nearer the time).
Beaverton & Merlo Station School-Based Health Centers are open
The Beaverton School-Based Health Center (SBHC) and Merlo Station School-Based Health Center (MSSBHC) are open for the 2020-21 school year. The centers specialize in primary care and child and adolescent counseling, as well as preventative dentistry. They serve all students of all ages in the Beaverton School District.
The School-Based Health Centers are an excellent resource for well child checks, sport physicals, immunizations and flu shots. General counseling is available for individuals and families. At the SBHC, the dentistry clinic provides sealants, cleanings and referrals.
Most private insurance plans are accepted, as well as Oregon Health Plan (OHP). No insurance? No problem. You may be eligible for a sliding fee discount based on income.
The SBHC is located on the Beaverton High School campus in a white, one-story building, just west of the main school building. You can access the parking lot from SW 2nd Street and SW Erickson Avenue. The health center is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m. (closed from 12 to 12:30 p.m. for lunch).
The MSSBHC is open on Wednesdays for in person visits and can accommodate virtual visits and in person visits at a nearby clinic every day of the week. The clinic is located on the Merlo Station High School campus.
Viva Village calendar of events
The public is welcome to participate in any of these online event offerings. RSVP for Zoom codes or more information: or 503-746-5082. (To learn more about Viva Village and/or see the full calendar of Viva Village events, go to
Women’s Coffee
Tuesday, October 6, 13, 20, and 27. 10-11 am.
Age Café
Friday, October 9 and 23. 11am-12 pm.
Discuss topics related to aging with members of the community and Viva Village.
Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, October 26, 10-11 am.
Village Bookclub
Tuesday, October 27, 1-2:30 pm.
Book Selection: A Burning, by Megha Majumdar.
Aging with Grace in Your Age-Friendly Home: A Four-Part Series
Saturday, October 17, 24, and 31. 11 am-12:30 pm. (Final session November 3).
Learn how to organize your belongings, make home modifications, and incorporate safety features to make your home safer and more liveable.
The Covid 19 pandemic has forced seniors and older adults to spend more time at home and many have begun to look for ways to make their homes safer and more accessible, livable, and comfortable. Viva Village’s upcoming four-part online series, “Aging with Grace in Your Age-Friendly Home,” will examine options that can enable older residents to securely age in their own homes.
Each session will offer practical modifications for home safety and better livability with interactive learning through presentations, with questions and answers.
October 17: Rightsizing: Organizing and Decluttering—Whitney Ziegler (Big Rocks Organizing)
October 24: Aging in Place Home Assessment and Modifications—Tim Jorgens (Suite Editions)
October 31: Safety in the Home:
- Personal Safety Systems—Barbara Crawford (Columbia Medical Alarm)
- Home Technology for Safety—Wally Carey (Viva Village volunteer)
- Fire Safety Equipment—Stephanie McKee (Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Department)
November 7: Special Programs with Income-Qualified Funding—Paul Willamson (Community Action), Anthony Grimaldi (Habitat for Humanity
“Beyond Voting: Elections and Campaign Financing” workshop
Tuesday October 6, 6:30-8 pm. Online via Zoom.
In this workshop, Donna Cohen (MLIS, MEd) will cover topics related to the electoral systems and present specific ideas for bi-partisan civic/political engagement. Register via the event listing on the library website calendar at, or you can register here. You will receive an email the day before the workshop with information about joining the Zoom meeting.
Topics for the workshop include: Voting as Constitutional right(?), Voting Security, Alternative Voting Systems, Redistricting, Electoral College, Campaign Financing, Tracking Money/Campaign Finance Databases, and Public Financing of Elections.
The Constitution: Fulfilling Democracy’s Promise?
October 15th 6:00-7:30.
Register online here.
Sponsored by Sherwood Public Library.
PDX Concierge

PDX Concierge is a free grocery delivery service for the elderly, immunocompromised, and disabled. In continuing to help the community, they are currently selling brand new T-shirts to raise money to support the firefighters and first-responders who are working hard to keep our community safe during these wildfires in Oregon and surrounding areas.
Check out their online store for more details.
THPRD resumes opening
THPRD is excited to welcome you back to these facilities:
- Tualatin Hills Athletic Center (50 NW 158th Ave.)
- Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center (9985 SW 125th Ave.)
- Babette Horenstein Tennis Center (15707 SW Walker Road)
- Cedar Hills Recreation Center (11640 SW Park Way)
The facilities will have some changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the activities offered and the processes to access services. The pools at Conestoga and the Aquatic Center will open on October 5.
For more information or facility opening details, visit our website.
THPRD is offering in-person and online classes! Use the Search Tool on our website to find the activity perfect for you or your child. The fastest, easiest, and best way to register for classes and programs is online at
Out-of-School offerings
THPRD is pleased to be able to help families out right now with online learning by expanding our childcare offerings. We have a new Out of School Time program available, to support students with online learning, offering working families a safe and affordable option, to keep youth engaged throughout the week. We still have spaces available—visit our website to learn more.
Talking Walls
THPRD is honored to have partnered with students from Sunset High School’s Black Student Union and Color Outside the Lines, to pair BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) students with BIPOC mentors to create murals for the sports complex.
The Talking Walls were envisioned as a way for THPRD to partner with the community to express our solidarity for racial justice. The project’s purpose is to provide youth with space and time to share their messages of hope, inspiration, and purpose.
Students from Sunset High School worked with artist mentors from Color Outside the Lines to develop their work. The students are painting their murals on October 3. We can’t wait to share the murals with the community and are so grateful for the talents and contributions of our amazing student artists!
For more events, go to
Westview Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, October 20, 11 am-5 pm, Cedar Mill Rock Creek Center, 19180 NW West Union Road

Our blood shortage is becoming increasingly desperate. Blood drives have been cancelled due to recent wildfires, COVID-19, and devastating hurricanes that hit the East Coast, but the need for blood is always constant. We need your help—please sign up to give blood here!
The American Red Cross ensures a safe donation environment. Donated blood will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, temperature checks are conducted at the door, and only donors are allowed in the donation/waiting areas. Masks are required (if donors do not have a mask, the Red Cross will provide one) and blood donation is by appointment only.
Every donation is appreciated immensely, and your blood can save up to three lives! For more information on the October blood drive, email Westview Red Cross President Vicky Siah at
Naturescaping Workshops online
Now is the perfect time to learn how to create your own attractive, low-maintenance landscape. Attend a FREE online workshop to discover simple gardening practices that will help you create a beautiful landscape that conserves water, reduces pollution, and attracts beneficial wildlife to your yard. These classes are perfect for all levels of gardening enthusiasts!
After registering, look for a confirmation email from EMSWCD that will provide instructions on how to access the Webinar.

October and November classes include: Attracting Pollinators; Naturescaping Basics; Beneficial Insects; Urban Weeds; Native Plants; Creating an Edible Landscape; Rain Gardens 101.

Additional workshop dates and times are being added. Please check back on this page shortly if you don’t find a date listed here that works for you. Our live webinars are a perfect way to attend a presentation with opportunities to ask your questions!
We will make recordings from our upcoming Fall Workshops available soon. If you would like to watch a recording from our Spring 2020 webinars, please email or call (503) 935-5368.
Washington County Democrats
Saturday, October 24, 6 pm, Online via Zoom
Fight to the Finish is a call to action. Our county party is here to serve as a framework to get people involved in their local county government and give local Democrats the chance to be representatives of the people. This is the start of the journey that, for some, could end up as Governors, Senators, or maybe even President. But this year we have a lot to do in these final days. We are at the home stretch. We have to do everything we can to get Donald Trump out of office. Our nation cannot continue to endure the pain and struggle of this administration. It is time to fight to the finish!
Enter to win exciting baskets, as well as an online auction that will be kicking off shortly. Our main headline speaker will be a Biden surrogate, and we are getting the rest of our speakers lined up now. For more information, email
TVF&R Seeks Chief Examiner for Civil Service Commission

Beginning October 1, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue will be accepting applications from qualified candidates interested in contracting with the district to serve as the chief examiner for its Civil Service Commission.
The chief examiner reviews and approves all entrance and promotional exam plans, certifies lists of eligible candidates, and approves the removal of names from the eligible list; acts as the decision-making authority for rule interpretation, exceptions, temporary appointments, appointment extensions, inquiries, and appeals; and serves as the investigator for examination appeals in accordance with the adopted Civil Service Rules. The chief examiner also consults with district leaders in areas of civil service laws, rules, and processes.
The typical time commitment for the chief examiner’s scope of work is eight meetings per year for commission and district meetings; six to eight actions per month (to review, approve, and be available); and four hours per month to review issues such as reinstatement to a list.
Qualifications of an ideal candidate for this role include:
- Preferably reside or own property within TVF&R’s service area.
- Professional expertise in Oregon civil service laws, merit principles, and personnel administration.
- Professional experience in the field of human resources with a working knowledge of conducting workplace investigations, preferably in a public service agency.
Applications will be accepted through November 15 at The tentative start date for this role is January 12, 2021.
For more information, including compensation, scope of work, and frequency of consulting activities, follow this link.