Sunset BSU moves community to peaceful demonstration march

by Andrew Bitans, CMN contributor Today’s BSU Sunset march. Today’s march to honor the lives of African Americans that have been needlessly lost to police violence was well supported by our community. Quite a large turnout, probably around 2000 people. It started raining shortly before we left the high school and ultimately dumped buckets for
Postal service in Cedar Mill
June 2020: COVID-19 in Washington County
• State approves Washington County for Phase I starting June 1
• House cleaners and other home services
• Face coverings guidance for businesses and transit
• Reporting violations
• FAQs now available on OHA website
• Safety advice from WCSO
• Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter update
State Land Use Commission issues enforcement order against Washington County
Development News June 2020
Results of Oregon’s May 19 primary election
Washington County’s 46% voter turnout closely mirrored statewide voter turnout.
Japanese beetle eradication continues
Cedar Mill Library plans a gradual return
Cedar Mill Cider Festival on track for September 20!
We have received word from Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD) that it’s likely that we can hold the Cider Festival on September 20, as planned!
Mitch Greenlick, 1935-2020
Appointing a replacement to complete Greenlick’s term
Following the death of our District 33 State Representative Mitch Greenlick on May 17, Oregon Secretary of State Bev Clarno selected Kathryn Harrington, Chair of Washington County Board of Commissioners, to serve as Chair of Appointing Authority for the vacancy appointment.
Community News June 2020

Viva Village: Online Age Cafe;
Inside WashCo radio;
Folk Dancing Zoom Lessons;
The Music Continues at PCC Rock Creek!;
Domestic Violence Resource Center;
Writers’ Mill;
Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries;
Wildfires Can Happen Here! Take Steps Now to Reduce Risks;
No price increase from Clean Water Services;
THPRD Life Jacket Program;
OSU Ext. Pressure Canner Testing;
Key to Oregon;
Register your child for Kindergarten at Terra Linda;
Tualatin Valley Creates;
Washington County Forum;
THPRD Update;
Doreen Rivera retires from WCSO
College this Fall? It’s not too late to apply for Portland Community College
As an academic and career advisor, I have been working with students that are preparing for college this fall. With the anticipation that many colleges and universities will be providing online-only classes for the fall 2020 term and perhaps into winter/spring 2021, some of my students are now seeking alternatives to paying higher tuition.
Business News June 2020

Village Gallery of Arts;
Cedar Mill Business Association;
Cedar Mill Farmers Market;
Staying active at home;
Bethany Family Pet Clinic continues “concierge” service;
American Sign Language Class;
ReStore is open to shop and donate, and resumes donation pickups;
Win a Nintendo Switch from SSPFCU;
Art classes for kids, watercolor for teens and adults