Appointing a replacement to complete Greenlick’s term

Following the death of our District 33 State Representative Mitch Greenlick on May 17, (see obituary here) Oregon Secretary of State Bev Clarno selected Kathryn Harrington, Chair of Washington County Board of Commissioners, to serve as Chair of Appointing Authority for the vacancy appointment. There will be a joint meeting of the Boards of Multnomah and Washington counties on Friday, June 12, to make the appointment.

Since Greenlick was a Democrat, the Democratic Party of Oregon selected three candidates for consideration. On June 4, they announced that the candidates are Maxine Dexter, Val Aitchison, and Pamela Kislak. Dexter was elected in the May primary to be the new District 33 Representative. More details on the nominating process are on the DPO website here.

Each Commissioner will be able to ask three questions of each candidate. The meeting will be held via Zoom with an in-person option in the county auditorium. The meeting is open to the public. To join via zoom, click this link. Or join by phone:+1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799.